INDEX TO VOLUME V. vii Otters and Kingfishers in the Chelmer, 73. Owls, Short-eared, in Essex in May, 170. Oyster Fishery, Colne, notes on, 257. Oysters and Mussels in the Crouch, 1891, 203. Penrose, W. H., A Dry February, 49. Phalarope, Grey, at Bradwell, 203 ; at Stratford, 111. Photography and Meteorological Phe- nomena, British Association Com- mittee on, 35. Plants, List of, on banks of Chelmer, 251 ; Uncommon at Felstead, 136. "Poor Robin's Perambulation from Saffron Walden to London," quoted, 182. Powell, J. T., Epping Forest Rubi, Pt. ii., additions and corrections, 189. Pottery, Ancient (? British) at Felstead, 205. Primrose and Bardfield Oxlip, range of, in N.W. Essex, 120, 132. Primula elatior in Essex, 112, 132. Public Meeting for Establishment of Local Museum, 69. Puffin at Bures, 46. among the Village Schools of Essex, 186 ; on Local (Essex) Museum, 72. St. Osyth, visit to, 254; legends of, 255 ; Priory and Church, visits to, 255-256. Sand Lizard, supposed occurrence at Woodford, a correction, 111. Sepiola atlantica at Leigh, 260. Shells, Land and Fresh-water, of Roding Valley, 112. Shenstone, J. C, Aceras anthropo- phora, 68 ; Hippuris vulgaris in Essex, 172 ; Melampyrum arvense in Essex, 203. Shenstone, J. C, and Dr. Laver, Notes on the Colne Oyster Fishery, 257. Skua, Common, at Bradwell, 203. Smoothy, Charles, receives Club at "Old Riffham's," 206. Snell, H. C, exhibits Testacella scutulum, 130. Special Meetings, 32, 130. Stour River, 241, 246 ; Hippuris vul- garism, 172; Valley, and Constable, 172. Stratford, Grey Phalarope at, in. Swallow's nest, pendant, 134. " Swallow-tails," a hunt for, 203. Swans, Wild, in Essex, no. SWORDER, C. B, exhibits Mollusca from Epping, 131. Taylor, Dr. J. E , Botanical Demon- stration on Chelmer River, 250 ; Address on Crag Collection in Ipswich Museum, 242 ; Address on Marine Zoology of the Estuaries of Orwell and Stour, 245 ; Origin of our native plants, 207. Teasels, notes on the, and their natural relationship, 233. Technical Instruction Scheme, 33, 173 Deputation to County Council, 34. Terling, Aceras anthropophora at, 68. Quendon Hall, visit to, 180 ; Church, 181. Rainfall, exceptionally small during last eight months, 112. Red Crag, collection of fossils, in Ipswich Museum, 242. Roding Valley, Land and Fresh-water Shells of, 112. Rooks, late nesting of, at Felstead, 202. Rorqual, Common, in Crouch River, 35, 124 ; another in Crouch, 134. Roscoe, Sir Henry, elected Honorary Member, 130. Rudler, F. W., Cabinets of Natural History Specimens for circulation