viii INDEX TO VOLUME V. Testacella scutulum at Buckhurst Hill, 130. Thames, Bottle-nosed Whales in, 170 ; Estuarine Mollusca, 220, 260 ; Marshes, some notes of Aquatic Plants of, 261. Thompson, Prof. Sylvanus, William Gilbert, the founder of the Science of Electricity, 50. Thorington, visit to, 254. Thresh, Dr. J. C, Notes on recent Prolonged Frost, 64, 132 ; Vital Statistics for Essex, 47, 132 ; Essex Water Supply, 137. Treasurer's Statement for 1891, 40. Truncatella truncatula at Brightlingsea, 260. "Valentines," Ilford, visit to, 185. VARENNE, E. G. (the late), the Cryp- togamic Flora of Kelvedon, 1, 35 ; Memoir of, 42. Vice-Presidents for 1891, 35. Vital Statistics for Essex, 132, 47. Vorticellae, Parasitic, 136. Waller, W. C., Monk Wood in Loughton ; a Fragment of Forest History, 174. Water Supply, Essex, 137. Well, new, at Felstead, 204 ; at Little Dunmow, 216. Westleton Beds, occurrence of, in N.W. Essex, 2:0. Whales, Bottle-nosed, in Thames, 170 ; Rorquals in Crouch River, 35, 124, 134. Wickham Bishop, "Fault" at, 204. Wildfowl in Essex, 68. Wire, A. P., Parasitic Vorticella, 136 ; exhibits Photographs of Essex Views, 131. Woodham Walter Common, visit to, 208. Zoology, Marine, of Crouch River, 145 ; of Estuaries of Orwell and Stour, 242-246. ERRATUM.—Page 255, line 15 from bottom, for "Aubrey de Vere," read Aubrey. PLATES. I.—Dr. William Gilbert Frontispiece. II.—Ezekiel George Varenne, of Kelvedon to face page 42 III.—Map of the Sub-Tertiary Contour of the Chalk in Essex 113 128 183 IV.—Common Rorqual. River Crouch, Feb. 12th, 1891 V.—Fairlop Oak