THE EXISTING FLOWERING PLANTS OF EPPING FOREST. 7 Corylus avellana, Linn. Hawkwood, and Honey Lane quarters, not abundant. Quercus robur, Linn. V. pedunculata. Near Chingford and Buckhurst Hill. While it is true, as stated by Mr. Buxton, that v. sessiliflora abounds in the Forest, v. pedunculata is not uncommon. Populus tremula, Linn. Epping Road, beyond the "Robin Hood." Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, Linn. About Walthamstow. Stratiotes aloides, Linn. Near Chingford, probably in- troduced. Epipactis media, Fr. Probably not distinct from E. latifolia. One of the rarities of the Forest. Seen in 1885, but seems to be nearing extinction. Orchis morio, Linn. Near Leppitt's Hill and near Theydon. O. maculata, Linn. Tolerably abundant. Habenaria bifolia, R. Br. Though much less plentiful than twelve years ago, over a restricted area still exists in fair quantity. Ruscus aculeatus, Linn. This interesting shrub is found sparingly in many places. Convallaria majalis, Linn. Recently seen in three different localities other than its old station. In two of these instances it was in small quantity and looked as though it had been transplanted by some friendly hand. The third was clearly an old habitat. Allium ursinum, Linn. Fairly abundant in two localities on the Lea slope of the Forest, one within and one without the pre- served area. Fritillaria meleagris, Linn. In 1875 this was found near Theydon by my friend Mr. E. Liddell. On searching with him a season or two afterwards I could not find a single specimen. He subsequently learned that it had been dug up. This may illustrate the destruction of rare plants which goes on. Luzula pilosa, Willd. Occurs in Lark's Wood. The common Rushes are all given in the list so frequently alluded to. One, however, in Buxton I have not found, viz: Juncus diffusus. Lemna trisulca, Linn. Pond at Fairmead. L. polyrrhiza, Linn. Fairly common. I record these because they are not in Mr. Buxton's list. Damasonium stellatum, Pers. Hardly entitled to a place among "existing" plants. Found in Wanstead Park soon after it was