SOME ESSEX WELL-SECTIONS. 59 Shaft 35 feet; the rest bored and lined with tubes to the depth of 2961/2 feet, rising 21/2 feet above the bottom of the shaft. Water, found at 333 feet, rose to within 15 feet of the surface. Four days later it had risen 31/4 feet. A few days later it stood at 10 feet below the surface. Yield about 240 gallons an hour. Tilbury.—For Messrs. Fletcher and Fearnall. 1887. Made and communicated by Messrs. Legrand and Sutcliff. West Ham.—Gasworks. 1891. A boring, made and communicated by Messrs. Docwra. Water level 101/4 feet down, July, 1891. Yield so small as to lead to abandonment. Where the Woolwich Beds end off seems uncertain.