ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNCIL. 67 Cranmer-Byng and Mrs. Cranmer-Byng; in the Hainault Forest district, on which occasion the Club was entertained at tea at Little Gearies, Barking Side, by Mrs. Edenborough; a ramble from Chelmsford to Maldon ; a geological ramble around Chelmsford, in conjunction with the Geologists' Association ; at Ipswich and on the Orwell and Stour rivers, in conjunction with the Ipswich Scientific Society, for the purpose of dredging in the estuaries, on which occasion the Ipswich Society organised a very pleasant reception at the Museum, on the evening preceding the meeting; a journey by Barge from Maldon to Chelms- ford, mainly organised by our President and Mr. Durrant ; and, lastly, a very pleasant meeting at St. Osyth and Brightlingsea, organised by Mr. C. E. Benham and Mr. J. C. Shenstone. The Council most gratefully recognises the many acts of kindness shown by local residents and others at these meetings. They were all successful and largely attended. Great assistance was received at the Field Meetings from the following ladies and gentlemen, who acted as "Conductors," or otherwise aided the Secretary in various ways :—Mr. Andrew Johnston, Mr. L. Cranmer-Byng, Rev. G. Tamplin, Mr. G. E. Pritchett, Mr. Walter Crouch, Mr. E. A. Fitch, Mr. E. Durrant, Rev. W. S. Lach-Szyrma, Mrs. Whitbourne, Mr. Douglas, Mrs. Ingleby, Miss Ingleby, and Mr. Holcombe Ingleby, Mr. F. Chancellor, J.P., Mr. C. Smoothy, Dr. Taylor, Mr. H. B. Monckton, Mr. Henry Miller, M.Inst.C.E., Mr. E. M. Holmes, Mr. T. V. Holmes, Mr. G. H. Hewetson, Mr. F. Woolnough, Mr. W. Jolly, Dr. Pearl, Mr. S. Garratt, Mr. Byford, Mr. J. C. Shenstone, Mr. C, E. Benham, Rev. J. E. Potts, Prof. Boulger, Sir J. H. Johnson, and many others. It was with great regret that the Secretary found it necessary, in consequence of the sudden death of Mr. J. Archer Houblon, to cancel the Twelfth Annual Cryptogamic Meeting, which was to have been held on October 10th in Hatfield Forest. All arrangements had been made, and Dr. Cooke and Mr. G. Massee had kindly consented to act as Botanical Referees. LIBRARY AND Museum.—The library is slowly but steadily increasing by donations and purchases, but, as in former years, the Librarian has still to lament his inability to bind the numerous volumes received in parts. The Museum scheme (which was unanimously approved by the members at the last Annual Meeting) has received a very large amount of attention, and an influential public meeting was held at Chelmsford on March 18th last in its support. The Com- mittee appointed to deal with the subject has held several meetings, and in June last an Appeal for Funds was widely circulated. In response to that appeal over £300 has already been promised or received, and other substantial aid promised. The Committee is desirous of obtaining promises to the value of £500 before issuing the list to the general public, and it is hoped that the total may be soon attained. Both the Committee and the Council are fully convinced of the im- portance of the project ; all arrangements are completed, and the only re- quirements are funds to commence the work. The following noblemen and gentle- men have consented to serve as Trustees :—The Right Hon. Lord Rayleigh, D.L., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S.; Lord Brooke, M P.; Sir T. Fowell Buxton, Bart., D.L., F.R.G.S.; The Ven. the Archdeacon of Essex; W. M. Tufnell, Esq., J.P., D.L ; Professor Meldola, F.R.S., F.R.A.S., F.C.S.; and G. P. Hope, Esq., M.A. It cannot be too emphatically stated or too well known that the institution is for the benefit of the whole county, and not exclusively for that of Chelmsford or any particular district. It must, of course, have a home, and the proposed buildings are to be erected at Chelmsford simply because Chelmsford is a