80 EPPING FOREST RUBI. By J. T. POWELL. PART III.—FURTHER ADDITIONS. [See Essex Naturalist, Vol. III., p. 20 ; and Vol. V., pp. 189-190.] THROUGH the kindness of the Rev. W. Moyle Rogers, F.L.S., I am able to record some additions to the list of Forest Brambles. I mentioned in my last paper (Essex Naturalist, vol. v., p. 189) that one elegant but puzzling little Rubus had received three different names. A specimen of this form was forwarded by Mr. Rogers to Dr. Focke, the greatest European authority on the genus, who named it Rubus hystrix, Weihe, var. This nearly agrees with Professor Babington's determination, and may be accepted as con- clusive. Thus a difficulty is cleared up and another name added to the Forest list. A very distinct-looking Bramble found on both sides of the Epping Road towards the Wake Valley turns out to be R. fuscus, W. and N. This name is not in the "London Catalogue of British Plants," and is, I believe, a new record for the district. Also near the Wake Valley Pond I found a bush or two of a very striking form which I had not seen before. This proved to be R. corylifolius, var. conjungens, Bab. The commoner variety of the same species, sublus- tris, Lees, is found about Leppitt's Hill and elsewhere; and was included in my first paper (Essex Naturalist, vol. iii., p. 20) under the aggregate name. Two other forms, possibly hybrids, have not, up to the present time, been satisfactorily referred to any known species. The nomenclature of the Rubi is in so transitional a state that one or two of the names given in my previous reports, on the authority of the "London Catalogue," eighth edition (already out of date so far as the Brambles are concerned), will have to be changed. This revision it will be well to defer. The additions are :— R. hystrix, Weihe, var. High Beach to Wake Arms. R. fuscus, W. and N. Epping Road. R. corylifolius, Sm. var. a. sublustris, Lees. Leppitt's Hill, etc. ,, b. conjungens, Bab. Wake Valley.