82 NOTES OF TWO DAYS' TRAWLING AND Southminster, on the way, Mr. Fitch pointed out a fine growing crop of mangolds, which were thriving on the flesh of the whale which was taken earlier in the year at Burnham. (E. N., v., pp. 124-128.) School House and Clock Tower, Burnham. At "Mangapp" (which, by the way, is a fine old house, some- what resembling Upminster Hall), we surrendered to our host, who drove us down to Burnham Quay; and we were soon safely on board his new centre-keel, well-deck yacht, "Ilka," scudding away under sail and spinnaker to Cricksea Ferry, where we brought up alongside the "Fame." So far, all was well ; but the threatening clouds soon fought against us, sending down their unwelcome hosts in the shape of heavy rain, which continued more or less all day, somewhat spoiling