INDEX TO VOLUME VI. v pyrum arvense in, 46 ; Otters, de- struction of, in, 41. Essex Coast, Porbeagle Shark on the, 207. Essex Emerald Moth in Essex, 43. Essex Field Club, Annual Meeting, 70 ; Annual Report of Council (1891), 65 ; Ordinary Meetings, 16, 73, 75, 106, 130 ; Council and Officers for 1892, 70 ; Spring Ramble in Epping Forest, 74 ; Meeting at The They- dons, Stapleford Tawney, etc., 102 ; Meeting at College of Surgeons, 129; Meeting at Writtle Park and Blackmore High Woods, 129 ; Meet- ing at Dagenham and Parsloes, 148. Existing Flowering Plants of Epping Forest, 1. Felstead, Ancient Lake Remains at, 34 ; Animals and Plants of, minor problems concerned in the Local Distribution cf, 191 ; Mound at, 100 ; Palaeolithic Implement at, 78 ; on some Plateau Deposits at, 132 ; Raven at, 42. Fieldfares in Spring of 1892, 98. Fishes of Dagenham Lake, 146. Fitch, E. A., Colias edusa and C. hyale near Maldon, 140 ; Deiopeia pulchella at St. Osyth, 115 ; Neottia nidus-avis at Hazeleigh, 116 ; Presidential Address, 71 ; Seal at Bradwell, 139 ; Vicia lutea at St. Osyth, 116 ; Vote of thanks to, 73. Flowering Plants, existing, of Epping Forest, 1. Flora, Epping Forest, 116. Flycatcher, Pied, near Great Horksley, 115. Fossils, Microscopic, from Colchester Chalk, 46; from Theydon Mount, 106. Fox, Singular adventure of, 41. FRENCH, J., Ancient Lake Remains at Felstead, 34 ; Eagles in Essex, 42 ; London Smoke and Vegetation, 208 ; Minor Problems concerned in the Distribution of Animals and Plants in the neighbourhood of Felstead, 191; A Mound without a history, 100; Otter and Trout, 98 ; Palaeo- lithic Implement at Felstead, 78; On some Plateau Deposits at Fel- stead, 132 ; Raven at Felstead, 42. Friend, Rev. Hilderic, British Annelids, with especial reference to the Earthworms of Essex, 31, 60, 107, 169, 185. Frogs and Snakes in Mersea, 140. Fryerning Church, Visit to, 130. Fungi and Plant Diseases, 18. Funeral Garlands, 99, 117. Garlands in Churches, 117 ; in They- don Mount Church, 99, 105. Geology of the District around Dagen- ham Breach, 142. Geological Excursions, Recent, in Essex, 96. Gibbs, J., Development of Buds, 47. Goose, "White-bellied Brent," in the Blackwater, 17. Gould, Chalkley, Ancient Road near Abridge and Theydon Garnon, 104 ; Funeral Garlands, 99 ; Review of Kalm's Visit to England, 112 ; Romano-British Cemetery at Chig- well, 100. Gould, F.C., exhibits Bernicla brenta, var. glaucogaster, from the Blackwater, 17. Grebe, Great and Lesser, at Theydon Mount, 106. Harwich, Iceland Gull at, 207 : Migra- tion of Pieris brassicae at, 205 ; Por- beagle Shark near, 154. Harwood, P., Pied Flycatcher near Great Horksley, 115. Hazeleigh, Neottia nidus-avis at, 116. Helix virgata from Southend, 73. Heron, Night, at Brightlingsea, 43. Hesperia lineola, 43, 141. Heybridge, Fine Pike at, 180 ; Salmon and Salmon Trout at, 76. Hllliar, John, An Angler's Notes on Dagenham Lake, 146. "History of Essex," Morant's MS. of, 184.