THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB 45 The discussion was continued by Mr. Andrew Johnston and Mr. Royle; and Dr. Thresh in his reply observed that to work out such an extensive subject properly required the association of a geologist with a chemist, and perhaps an engineer. He hoped to get some information from his geological friends on the Club in different parts of the county. Mr. Holmes then vacated the chair in favour of Mr. Walter Crouch, and read a paper on "Sections on the New Railway between Upminster and Romford," dealing especially with the discovery of Boulder Clay beneath old River-gravel at Hornchurch (see p. 1). The paper was illustrated with geological maps and sections. A short discussion ensued in which Prof. Meldola alluded to the possibly local character of some of the phenomena which are known as Glacial. Mr. Double, C.C, in proposing a cordial, vote of thanks to Dr. Thresh and Mr. Holmes for their valuable papers, alluded with satisfaction to the museum scheme of the Club, and suggested that the Corporation of London might be approached with the object of obtaining some recognition and assistance. In seconding the vote of thanks (which was passed by acclamation) Mr. Wm. Cole stated that the Council had in mind the forming of a forest museum, representing the natural history, geology, and antiquities of the Forest, in which it was hoped that the authorities of the Forest would participate; and he anticipated being able to make an announcement on the subject in a short time. The usual conversazione, at which tea and coffee were served, concluded the meeting. Ordinary Meeting. Tuesday, March 14th, 1893. The 138th Ordinary Meeting of the Club was held in the committee room of the West Ham Town Hall, Stratford, at seven o'clock, Professor R. Meldola, F.R.S., Vice-president, in the chair. Th; Secretary stated that Dr. Henry Laver, the President, had explained to the Council that the probable great pressure of professional engagements would prevent his being present at many meetings of the Club, and had suggested, in the interests of the society, that some other member should be nominated as President. The Council therefore nominated Mr. F. Chancellor, J.P., for elec- tion by the members at the annual meeting. Mr. Walter Crouch and Mr. C. Ridley were nominated as auditors of the Treasurer's accounts. Major Lamarock Flower, F.Sant.I., of the Lea Conservancy, Mr. E. Johnston, and Mr. A. S. Wilson, were elected members. The Librarian read a long list of acquisitions to the library by donation, purchase, or exchange, and votes of thanks were passed to the donors. Mr. W. Cole exhibited a series of the moth Agrotis saucia, from Mersea Island in September and October last. According to his experience it was in most seasons a very rare moth in Essex; but last autumn it had been taken in several parts of the kingdom, and had been fairly abundant at "sugar" io a cottage garden in the above remote part of Essex. Mr. Cole also exhibited, under the microscope, preparations of the plasmodium of a species of "Slime-fungus" (of the group Myxomycetes) which had appeared on the freshly-cut stumps of the hornbeam trees recently felled in Lord's Bushes,