THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 73 volumes of The Essex Naturalist, and two "Special Memoirs," making thirteen volumes in all. The Council have accepted the MS. of Dr. Laver's book on the "Mammals, Reptiles, and Fishes of Essex" for publication as one of the "Special Memoirs," and it will be issued by subscription in 1893. Meetings and Papers Contributed.—Owing to unfortunate failures in connection with the fixtures for two Field Meetings, and great pressure of other work in the autumn preventing the Secretary from remedying these failures, the number of meetings was less than usual. Eight meetings were held, full reports of which will be found in The Essex Naturalist. The Council have to thank Prof. Boulger, Sir T. Fowell Buxton, Mr. Walter Crouch, Mr. C. B. Sworder, Mr. David Houston, Mr. L Chalkley Gould, Mr. G. E. Pritchett, Mr. Miller Christy, Lord Petre, Mr. Arthur Pryor, Mr. T. V. Holmes, Rev. Dr. Moore, Mr. W. Varco Williams, Mr. John Gaspard Fanshawe, Mr. John Hilliar, Dr. Cooke, and others for kind aid afforded at the Field Meetings ; and the special thanks of the Club are due to Prof. Stewart for his reception of the Society at the Royal College of Surgeons, and to the Rev. Lewis N. Prance and Mrs. Prance for their reception of the Club at tea at Stapleford Tawney Rectory on May 28th. A considerable number of papers and other communications were read at these meetings, and they, with others sent direct to the Editor, have all been printed in The Essex Naturalist. The Library has received the usual increments of Journals and Transactions of Societies, and some local books have been purchased. It is hoped when the libraries of the two Societies are amalgamated that a strong effort will be made to bind the numerous valuable sets of periodicals and transactions, etc., in posses- sion of the Club. The want of funds to accomplish this extremely necessary work is a source of great anxiety to the Librarian, and greatly increases the labour of arranging the books. Technical Instruction.—The members nominated by the Club to serve upon the Technical Instruction Committee of the Essex County Council, under the terms of the resolution of the County Council of March 15th, 1892, were the same gentlemen as last year, with the exception of Prof. Boulger and Mr. F. W. Rudler, who wished to retire owing to pressure of other engagements. The members of the Club so elected by the County Council, under section i. (2) of the Technical Instruction Act, 1889, are now as follows :—Sir H. E. Roscoe, F.R.S., Prof. R. Meldola, F.R.S., Mr. J. C. Shenstone, F.R.M.S., Mr. G. J. Symons, F.R.S., Mr. J. Spiller, F.I.C, etc., and Mr. F. Chancellor, J.P., F.R.I.B.A. The Council beg to tender the thanks of the Club to Dr. Laver for his occu- pancy of the post of President during the year. Owing to pressure of professional engagements, Dr. Laver has been compelled to ask the Council not to nominate him for the presidency for 1893, and the Council have placed the name of Mr. F. Chancellor, J.P., F.R.I.B.A., before the members as President for the ensuing year. Mr. Chancellor is an old member of the Club, having frequently most ably assisted at the meetings, and was the chairman of the Committee of the Essex and Chelmsford Museum at the time of its amalgamation with the Essex Field Club.