THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 79 At the meeting on February 21st, the following members were announced as retiring from the Council: Messrs. E. N. Buxton, F. C. Gould, Rev. W. L. Wilson, the Right Hon. Lord Rayleigh, and Mr. Edmund Durrant (on nomination as one of the Librarians). To fill the seats so rendered vacant, the following members were proposed for election into the Council: Rev. R. E. Bartlett, Mr. C. E. Benham, Mr. E. N. Buxton, Right Hon. Lord Rayleigh, and Rev. W. L. Wilson. No other candi- dates having been proposed, these five gentlemen were consequently declared to be elected. Under the circumstances explained at the Ordinary Meeting on March 14th (ante p. 45), the Council had nominated Mr. F. Chancellor for the office of President. The scrutineers reported that the following members had been unanimously elected as officers for 1893 : President, Mr. Frederic Chancellor; Treasurer, Mr. Alfred Lockyer ; Hon. Sec. and Editor, Mr. W. Cole ; Hon. Assistant Secretary, Mr. B. G. Cole ; Hon. Librarians, Mr. Edmund Durrant and Mr. A. P. Wire. It was also announced that on retirement from the Presidency, Dr. H. Laver became one of the Permanent Vice-Presidents of the Club under rule V. [The following therefore constitute the Officers and Council for 1892 : PATRON.—H.R.H., the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, K.G. President.—Frederic Chancellor, J.P., F.R.I.B.A., &c. Permanent Vice-Presidents (Under Rule IV.).—Prof. R. Meldola, F.R.S., F.R.A.S., F.E.S., &c. (President, 1880-82) ; Prof. G. S. Boulger, F.L.S., F.G.S. (President, 1883-84) ; T. V. Holmes, F.G.S., M.A.I. (President, 1885-87) ; E. A. Fitch, J.P., C.C, F.L.S., F.E.S. (President, 1888-91) ; Dr. Henry Laver, F.L.S., F.S.A. (President, 1892). Other Members of Council.—John Avery; Rev. R. E. Bartlett, M.A. ; C. E. Benham ; Gen. B. R. Branfill, J.P., C.C. ; E. N. Buxton, J.P., Aldmn. C.C, D L., &c. ; Miller Christy, F.L.S. ; Walter Crouch, F.Z.S ; Bryan Corcoran; L. Cranmer-Byng; George Day, F.R.M.S.; F. W. Elliott; A. J. Furbank ; Andrew Johnston, Chm. C.C, J.P., &c. ; Rev. W, C. Howell, M.A. ; Rev. W. S. Lach-Szyrma, M.A. ; Thomas J. Mann ; Charles Oldham ; J. H. Porter; Right Hon. Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. ; J. C. Shenstone, F.R.M.S. ; J. C. Thresh, D.Sc., M.B. ; F. H. Varley, F.R.A.S.; T. Hay Wilson ; Rev. W. L. Wilson, M.A. Hon. Treasurer.—Alfred Lockyer. Hon. Secretary and Editor.—William Cole, F.E.S.; Assistant Hon. Secretary.—B. G. Cole. Hon. Librarians.—Edmund Durrant and A, P. Wire.] The nomination of Vice-Presidents by the President, under Rule III., was postponed. The amalgamation of the Essex and Chelmsford Museum with the Essex Field Club having been effected (in accordance with resolutions passed by the Council of the Club and the Committee of the Museum under the powers conferred by the Agreement for Amalgamation), members of the Museum for 1892 thereby became members of the Essex Field Club. Mr. Edmund Durrant read out the names of the ladies and gentlemen so admitted as members of the Club, and it was announced that the list of members would be, in future, made up annually in