82 TWO FOREST LODGES. By WILLIAM CHAPMAN WALLER, M.A., F.S.A. [Frontispiece Plate 1,] ON June 12th, in the thirty-first year of Elizabeth, by the grace of God, Queen, and in the year of our Lord 1589, there issued out of the Exchequer a Special Commission1 to her well- beloved Robert Wrothe, John Hyll, Francis Stonerde, Francis Stacye, and William Rowe, Esquires, with whom was associated Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, Chingford, Looking South. Drawn by H. A. Cole, June, 1893. Edward Ellyott, Esquire, the surveyor of all her Majesty's honours, castles, lordships, manors, lands, tenements, and hereditaments in her county of Essex; whereby they were empowered to survey and examine two houses in Waltham Forest. Of these, one was called 1 Excheq. Special Commissions : S34 (31 Eliz.).