TWO FOREST LODGES 83 Greate Standinge, and is described as standing in or on Dannetts Hill; the other, called the Lodge, is said to be situated in "le Newe lodge walke," in the parish of Waltham Holy Cross. The Commissioners' instructions were to inquire, in every way they were able, into the condition of the houses and the necessary costs of repairing them; and their report was to be delivered, written on parchment, and with as little delay as possible, to the Barons of the Exchequer at Westminster. A quorum of the Commissioners made the survey, and their report, dated June 23rd, 1589, was delivered into Court on Novem- ber nth in the same year. Though this document is unfortunately in a somewhat decayed condition (as is indicated by the lacuna), enough remains legible to make a transcript of it worth printing :—