90 GEOLOGICAL NOTES IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF ONGAR. At Stondon Massey there are very fine sections in gravel10 between Stondon Hall and the church. The gravel coats the hill and is very thick, and consists largely of flint pebbles. There is also a large proportion of subangular flints, and of small quartz pebbles, half or one inch in length. Glacial erratics in the shape of quartzites and quartz pebbles are common, and many are of large size. At the lower end of the pits there was in 1890 a section 14 feet deep, showing gravel with irregular sandy and clayey patches in places. The gravel pit marked on the Geological Map, near Paslow Hall Farm gave the following section : 1. Mottled red and blue clay with small stones, and here and there irregular patches of small gravel=Boulder- Clay. 2. Gravel of subangular flints, flint pebbles, black unworn flints, quartz blocks up to 43/4 inches in length, quartzites up to 61/2 inches in length=Glacial Gravel. The gravel here is remarkably like that in the pit at Chiver's Paun Manor House and at Stondon Massey already alluded to, that is one reason why I believe they are all Glacial Gravel. The Cripsey Brook has, as will be seen from the map, cut through the Boulder-Clay and exposed the underlying Glacial Gravel. I noted a series of sections along it, of which the following are the details :— Gravel Pit, five furlongs W. of Little Laver Church, 217 feet O.D. Three feet of gravel shown, composed of flint pebbles, subangular flints, and quartz pebbles, with many pebbles of quartzite. This gravel is of the character of Glacial Gravel, the pit is just below, east of, the patch of gravel which is mapped Glacial Gravel in sheet 1, and Plateau Gravel in sheet 47. Moreton, three furlongs N. W. of the Church, small gravel working by the roadside. 200 feet O.D. Gravel six feet thick, composed of quartz, quartzite, flint pebbles, and sub-angular flints. Mapped Glacial Gravel. Shelley, Gravel Pit north of Shelley Bridge. 175 feet O.D.11 1. Earthy Bed with many stones. 10 Whitaker, op. cit., p. 314.—Professor Dawkins' and Mr, Bennett's notes. 11 Whitaker, op. cit. p. 314.—Professor Dawkins' notes.