108 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. Constable, R.A., who was born there, and sought amidst its surroundings subjects for the most important of his pictures. In the same valley, though higher up the river, on the Suffolk side, it was that Gainsborough painted some of his masterpieces. The Sun Inn and Church Tower, Dedham. Drawn by C. E, Benham. To enable members to enjoy this natural scenery this trip was organised, and a well-illustrated programme prepared : the directors for the day being Messrs. C. E. Benham and Walter Crouch, F.Z.S. Mr. Charles A. Wright, F.L.S., acted as botanical adviser. The hon. Secretary, Mr. W. Cole, was, greatly to his regret, unavoidably absent, and he is indebted to Mr. Crouch for the main details of the day's proceedings. The consent of the Navigation Company and the various millers having been obtained to use the locks, the river was traversed to Brantham Lock, near Man- ningtree, about II or 12 miles, passing the parishes of Stoke-by-Nayland, Boxted, Higham, Stratford St. Mary, Langham, Dedham, and East Bergholt. From various causes there was not so large an attendance as had been antici- pated, but about forty members and friends were present, including Mr. F