THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 147 mainly due to the agency of man, who so freely exercised his destructive powers close by On making a circuit of the workings Mr. Cole was startled at finding, coiled up at the foot of the shaft in "No. 2" pit, (Fig. 3) a poor dog in almost the last stages of starvation. It was carefully tended and brought to the surface, and fed cautiously, and is now recovered. Curiously enough, it was not thirsty ; it must have obtained water either from rain trickling down the shaft or by licking the moist surfaces of the chalk. Fig. 3.—Denehole ("No. 2") in Hangman's Wood. Essex. See Trails. E.F.C, vol. iii., p. 54, and Proc. iii , p. xxxvi. .V, Shaft. Scale 40 feet to an inch. But few members came down on the Friday, and after a hard day's work in clearing the shaft of No. 3 and making a landing-stage in that pit, the works were left for the night. Early on Saturday the pits were lighted up by candles, and cards numbered according to the plan were prepared and placed in the various pits by Mr. Crouch and Mr. Sheldon. A liberal supply of magnesium wire was also pro- vided for better showing up the more interesting features of the chambers, the various details of which were explained to the visitors by one or other of the directors throughout the day, Mr. Wire took some photographs of the best pits,