INDEX TO VOLUME VII. Abraxas grossulariata, Aberration of, 107. Abraxas ulmata from Epping Forest, 107, 127. Achromatic Lens, Invention of, 186. Agrotis saucia from Mersea, 45. Algae, Essex Freshwater, A Preliminary List of Recorded Species, 170, 181. Algae, Essex Marine, Presentation of the Hope Herbarium of, 181. Ambelis garrulus (Waxwing) at Har- wich, 67. Amalgamation of Essex and Chelmsford Museum with the Club, 42. Annual Meeting, the 13th, 76. Annual Report of Council for 1892, 70. Astronomy at Wanstead, 151. Auditors' Report, 78. Auk, Great, in Hoy Collection, and Eggs of, 149. Aviary at Little Blake Hall, Visit to, 105. Baddow, Great, Visit to, 99. Baddow, Little, Rough-legged Buzzard at, 23. Balaenoptera musculus at Burnham, 50. Barking, Uphall Camp at, 94, 131. Barking Side—Roman and Romano- British Pottery at, 107 ; Visit to Gravel-pits at, 104. Barley-fly (Chlorops) in Essex, 106. Bateman, John, Eucalyptus flourish- ing in the open in Essex, 128 ; Heronry at Brightlingsea, 124 ; Otters Breeding near Brightlingsea, 123 ; Ruff near Thorington, 125. Batters, A. E. L., Offer to Catalogue the Hope Collection of Algae, 184. Beaumont, G. F., Ancient Pit at Coggeshall, 68 ; ditto at Dunmow, 150. Benham, C. E., "Canker-bloom" of Shakespeare, I2g ; John Constable as a Naturalist, 112. Bicknacre, Visit to, 100. Birds, Feeding of, in Winter, 198-9 ; Hoy Collection of, 149 ; Notes on, from Mistley, 124. Bird-catchers, a Hint, 200. Birchanger, Uncommon Birds at, 66. Blake Hall, Little, Visit to, 105. Boulder-clay beneath old River-gravel at Hornchurch; conclusions there- from, 1. BOULGER, Prof. G. S., Exhibits Speci- men of Polyporus with no Terminal Pileus, 181. Boyles Court, Visit to, and Collection of Birds at, 148. Brackish Water, Fresh-water Molluscs in, 25. Brephos parthenias from Epping Forest, 127. Brightlingsea, Cormorant at, 125 ; Otters at, 124 ; Otters Breeding in Open near, 123. British Association, Report of Confer- ence of Delegates of Corresponding Societies at Nottingham, 164 ; List of Committees of, 168. Broomfield, Visit to, 76. Buckhurst Hill, Aberration of Abraxas grossulariata from, 107 ; Testacella scutulum at, 46. Burnham, Finner Whale (Balaenoptera musculus) at, 50 : Pottery from Red Hills at, 41. Bury Wood, Visit to 95 Buzzard, Rough-legged,, at Little Baddow, 23. Camp at Uphall, Barking, 94, 131. "Canker-bloom" of Shakespeare, 128.