iv INDEX TO VOLUME VII. Carswell, Barking Side, Visit to, 104. Castle Hedingham, Ancient Deed re- lating to, 143 ; Pottery at, 139; Visit to Village, 138. CHANCELLOR, F., nominated as Presi- dent, 115 ; Rainfall in Chelmsford, 1892, 28. Chelmsford, Meeting at, 78 ; Notes 0:1 Geology of, 65 ; Mollusca in Chel- mer near, 76 ; Otters at, 65 ; Rain- fall at, in 1892, 28. Chigwell, Moat at, 150. Chlorops taeniopus in Essex, 106, Christy, Miller, receives Club at "Pryors," Broomfield, 77. Church,. A. P., Uncommon Birds at Birchanger, 66 Clacton, Ancient Pottery at, 129. Coggeshall, Ancient Pit at, 68, Colchester, Helix lapicida at, 67 ; Joslin Museum, 69, 130. Cole, B. G., Exhibits Aberration of Abraxas grossulariata, 107, 127. Cole, W., Exhibits series of Agrotis saucia from Mersea, 45 ; on Spring Caterpillars in Epping Forest, 96 ; Conducts at Visit to Deneholes, 143 ; Chlorops taeniopus from Essex, 106; En- tomological Notes from Mersea, 126; Geometra papilionaria from Epping Forest, 107, 127 ; Hesperia lineola in Essex and elsewhere, 67 ; on Mode of Concealment of Hybernia aurantiaria and H. defoliaria, 42 ; Plusia moneta horn Woodford, 127 ; Exhibits "Slime-fungus" from Epping Forest, 45 ; "Locusts'' in Essex, 196 ; Ex- hibits Pottery from Red Hills at Burnham and Mersea. 41. Colias edusa in South Devon, 125. Colour-Blindness, a Few Facts about, 186. Committees of British Association, List of, 168. Constable, John, as a Naturalist, 112. Cooke, Dr, M.C., Conducts at Fungus Meetings, 41, 180 ; Fresh-water Alg:e of Essex, 170, 181 ; Exhibits Original Drawings of Desmids and Fresh-water Algae, 180 ; Report on Fungi gathered at Field Meeting on November 19th, 1892, 41. Council, Annual Report of, for 1892. 70 ; Members of for 1893, 79 ; New Members of, 79. Corresponding Societies of British Association, Conference at Notting- ham, 164. Cristacella mucedo from Epping Forest, exhibited, 181. Crouch River, Marine Forms from, 81. Crouch, Walter, Ancient Entrench- ment at Uphall, 131 ; Astronomy at Wanstead, 151 ; Conducts at Uphall Pit and Camp, 93 ; Conducts at Excursion on Stour River, 108 ; Further Notes on the Burnham Rorqual, 50 ; Exhibits "Black- letter" Book and Ancient Deed re- lating to Castle Hedingham, 143 ; Notice of late H. W. King, 185, 195 ; Invention of Achromatic Lens, 186 ; Account of Lea River near Seward- stone, 97 ; Exhibits Portrait of Sir Richard Owen, 81 ; Exhibits Marine Forms from River Crouch, 81 ; Ex- hibits Roman and Romano-British Pottery from Barking Side, 107. Cunningham, J. T., Lecture on Transformation of Marine Animals. 182. Dagenham and Dagnams, 27. Dagenham, Aberration of Common Sparrow at, 198. Danbury, Visit to, 99. Dannetts Hill, 86, 200. Dedham, Vale of, Excursion through, 107. Deneholes in Hangman's Wood, Visit to, 143. Destruction of Otters in Essex, 22. Drift-rocks in Epping Forest, 129. Dunmow, Ancient Pit at, 150. Dunstable, Priory Church at, Drawing of, exhibited, 43. Durrant, Edmund, Exhibits Portrait of Mr. C. Neale, 80 ; Exhibits Curious Nest of Mice, 80.