INDEX TO VOLUME VII. v Elliott, F. W., Effect of want of Light on Colours of a Frog, 24. Entomological Notes from Mersea, 126. Epping Forest, Abraxas ulmata, Brephos parthenias, and other Lepidoptera from, 127 ; Autumnal Ramble in, 41 ; Additions to List of Lepidoptera of, 128 ; Cristacella mucedo from, 181 ; Drift Rocks in, 129 ; Fairmead and Queen Elizabeth's Lodges, 82 ; Geometra papilionaria in, 107, 127 ; Lepidoptera from, 41 ; Notes on Gravel in, 74 ; Collection of Rubi from, 181 ; Wood Specimens from, 184. Essex, Destruction of Otter; in, 22 ; Falconidae in, 198 ; Fresh-water Algae of, 170, 181 ; Hesperia lineola in, 67 ; Otters in, 197 ; Well-waters, Shallow and Deep, 28, 43. Essex and Chelmsford Museum, Amal- galmation with Club, 42 ; Members of, Admitted under Terms of Amalga- mation, 79. Essex Field Club, Autumnal Ramble in Epping Forest and 136th Ordinary Meeting, November 19th, 1892, 41 ; 137th Ordinary Meeting, February, 1893, 42 ; 138th Ordinary Meeting. March 14th, 45 ; Field Meeting at Broomfield, 76 ; Field Meeting at Ilford, 92 ; Field Meeting at Ching- ford, Sewardstone, etc., 95 ; Field Meeting at Barking Side and Wan- stead, 105 ; Field Meeting through Vale of Dedham and Constable's Country, 107 ; Visit to Castle Heding- ham, 138 ; Visit to Deneholes, 143 ; Visit to Boyles Court and South Weald, etc., 148 ; Cryptogamic Meeting, 180. Eucalyptus flourishing in Open in Essex, 128. Fairmead Lodge, Epping Forest, 82. Falconidae in Essex, 198. Feeding the Birds, 198-9. Felstead, Notes on the Seasons of 1893 in the Neighbourhood of, 188. FITCH, E. A., on Castle Hedingham, 142; on "Locusts" in Essex, 182; Marine Forms from River Crouch, 81. Flatford Mill, Visit to, 111. Forest Lodges, Two, 82. Forest Museum, 45. Fowlness Island, Correct Spelling of, 25. French, J., Notes on the Seasons of 1893, principally in the Neighbour- hood of Felstead, 188. Fresh-water Mollusca in Brackish Water, 25. Frog, Effect of Want of Light on Colour of, 24. Geometra papilionaria from Epping Forest, 107, 127. Geology of Chelmsford, Notes on, 65. Geological Notes in the Neighbour- hood of Ongar, 87. Geologists' Association at Ilford, 47. Gravels near Bishops Stortford, Wan- stead and Walthamstow, 115. Gravels in Epping Forest, Notes on, 74. GROVES, Messrs. H. and J., Exhibit Series of British Umbelliferae, 180. Gould, I. Chalkley, on Stulpway, 200 ; Presents Specimens of Woods Grown on the Forest, 184. Hangman's Wood, Visit to Deneholes in, 143. Harting, J. E., on Hoy Collection of Birds, 149. Harwich, Waxwings at, 67. Helix lapicida at Colchester, 67. Heronry at Brightlingsea, 124. Hesperia lineola in Essex, 67. Hobby at Birchanger, 67. HOLMES, T. V., Dagenham and Dag- nams, 27 ; Notes on Geology of Chelmsford, 65 ; Conducts at Visit to Deneholes, 143 ; Notes on Con- ference of Delegates of Scientific Societies of British Association, 164 ; New Railway between Upminster and Romford — Boulder-Clay be-