vi INDEX TO VOLUME VII. neath old River-gravel at (Horn- church—Conclusions therefrom, I ; Filtration of Water through Gravel and Mineral Springs, 43. "Holy Thorn" at Woodham Ferrers, 48. Hope, G. P., Presents Valuable Her- barium of Marine Algae to Club, 181. Hornchurch, Boulder Clay beneath Old River-gravel at, 1. Howell, Rev. W. C, exhibits Old Gregorian Telescope made by Short, l85. Hoy Collection of Birds, 149. Hutton, Llewyllyn, receives Club at Carswell, 104. Hybernia aurantiaria and defoliaria, Mode of Concealment of 42. Hydrobia (Paludestrina), jenkensi, 24. Ilford, Excursion of Geologists' Associa- tion to, 47 ; Visit of Club to, 92. Joslin Museum at Colchester, 69, 130. King, H. W., the late, Notice of, 195, 195. Laver, Henry, Periodicity in Organic Life—Presidential Address, 51. Lea River in Saxon Times, 98 ; near Sewardstone, 97. Lepidoptera of Epping Forest, Additions to, 128 ; from. Epping Forest, 41; Scarcity of, 126. Lesche, J. F., Receives Club at Boyles Court, 148. Light, Want of, on Colours of a Frog, 24. "Locusts in Essex, 181, 196." Loughton Hall, Old, 14, 70. Mammoth, Bones in Uphall Pits and near River Lena, 93, Marine Animals, Transformations of, Lecture, 182. Medlar, Abnormal, from Chelmsford, 181. . . MELDOLA, Prof. . R , Colias edusa, in South Devon, 125 ; On Acquired Characters in Animals, 183 ; Some Additions to the Lepidoptera of Epp- ing Forest, 128. Mersea, Agrotis saucia from, 45 ; En- tomological Notes from, 125 ; Pottery from Red Hill at, 41. Mimicry in Lepidoptera, Lecture, 95. Mistley, Ornithological Notes from, 125 Mnemonics, a Harmless, 130. Moat at Chigwell, 130 Mollusca in Chelmer, near Chelmsford 76 ; Fresh-water in Brackish-water, 25. Monckton, H. W., Geological Notes in the Neighbourhood of Ongar, 87 ; on Gravels near Barking Side, Wan- stead, and Walthamstow, 105) 115. Mothersole, H., Exhibits Abnormal Medlar, 181. Mouse Nest, Curious, exhibited, 80. Museum at Chelmsford, Council Meet- ing in, 184. Myxomycete from Epping Forest, 45. Neale, Clarkson, the Founder of the Chelmsford Museum, So. Nichols, Walter B., Ornithological Notes from Mistley, 124. Nightingale, Young, in Longwood, Danbury, 103. Oakley, Waxwing at, 23. Oldham, Charles, Abraxas ulmata and Brephos parthenias from Epping Forest, 127; Lepidoptera from Epping Forest, 41; Lepidoptera from Woodford, 128 ; exhibits Plusia moneta from Woodford, 107, 127 ; exhibits Specimens of Rocks used in mending roads at Woodford, 42. Officers for 1893, 79. Ongar, Geological Notes in the Neigh- bourhood of, 87. Ordinary Meetings, 136th (Nov. 19th, 1892), 41 ; 137th (Feb. 21st, 1893), 42; 138th (March 14th), 45 ; 139th (April 29th), 92 ; 140th (July 1st), 105 ; 141st, (Nov. 4th). 181 ; 142nd (Nov. 25th), 181 ; 143rd (Dec. 16th) 184.