THE MARINE ALGAE OF ESSEX. 5 Trindelen," etc., p. 17, tab. vii., fig. 4. Oh the muddy banks of the Stour, near Harwich; June, 1885, E. A. B. OSCILLATORIA, Vaucher. Oscillatoria corallinae, Gom., in Morot, "Journ. Bot.," iv., p. 356. On the muddy banks of the Stour, near Harwich; June, 1885, E. A. B. LYNGBYA, C, Ag. Lyngbya semi-plena, J. Ag., "Alg. Mar. Med.," p. 11. On rocks and posts near high-water mark. Southend, July, 1890, Mrs. Buffham. L. aestuarii, Liebman, "Bemerkninger og Tillag til den danske Algeflora," Kroger's "Tidskrift," 1841, p. 492. On the muddy banks of the Stour and Orwell; June, 1885, E. A. B. Not uncommon. SYMPLOCA, Kutz. Symploca hydnoides, Kutz., "Spec. Algar.," p. 272. Rocks at and above high-water mark. Felixstowe, June, 1885, E. A. B. This species is also found on the muddy banks of the Stour and Orwell. Vaginarieae, Gomont. MICROCOLEUS, Desmaz. Microcoleus chthonoplastes, Thur., "Ess. de Classif. des Nostoc. Ann. des Sc. nat., 6 ser., Bot.," i., p. 378. On the muddy banks of the Stour, and in the shallow pools of the salt marsh between Felixstowe Railway-station and the River. HETEROCYSTEAE, Hansg. Rivulariaceae, Rabenh. CALOTHRIX, Ag. Calothrix scopulorum, Ag., "Syst. Alg.," p. 70. On posts near high-water mark. Clacton, Jan., 1893, E. A. B. This species is usually found growing in company with species of Enteromorpha, Chaetomorphae, and other small algae. C. pulvinata, Ag., "Syst. Alg.," p. 71. "On stakes near the shore, Osey Island," E.M.Holmes, Essex Naturalist, vol. ii., p. 249. C. confervicola, Ag., "Syst. Alg.," p. 70. Epiphytic on various small algae, specially Ceramium rubrum. Although this species has not been recorded from the county of Essex, it is almost