6 THE MARINE ALGAE OF ESSEX. certain to occur there, and I have seen specimens from the adjacent county of Suffolk, but without the exact locality being given. ISACTIS, Thur. Isactis plana, Thur., "Essai de Classif. Nost.," p. 11. "On old oyster shells in the Blackwater Estuary," E. M. Holmes, Essex Naturalist, vol. ii., p. 249. RIVULARIA, Ag. Rivularia atra, Roth., "Cat. Bot," iii., p. 340. On rocks near high-water mark. Felixstowe, June, 1885, E. A. B. Rare. Sirosiphoniaceae, Rabenh. MASTIGOCOLEUS, Lagerh. Mastigocoleus testarum, Lag., "Notarisia," 1886, i., p. 65, tab. 1. In old oyster shells from the Blackwater, near Maldon. E. A. B. Nostoceae, Kutz. ANABAENA, Bory. Anabaena variabilis, Kutz, "Phyc. General," p. 210. On the muddy shores of the Stour, near Harwich, June, 1885, E. A. B. The specimens of this species distributed in Mr. Holmes's valuable "Algae Britannicae Rariores Exsiccate" are from the above locality. CHLOROSPERMEAE, Harv. Protococcaceae, Menegh. CHLOROCHYTRIUM, Cohn. Chlorochytrium inclusum, Kjellm., "N. I. Algfl.," p. 392, tab. 31, figs. 8-17. Parasitic in the fronds of Dilsea edulis. Har- wich, Jan., 1883, G. P. H. I detected a few fronds of this curious parasite in the fronds of some specimens of Dilsea edulis collected by Mr. Hope at Harwich. Ulvaceae (Ag.), Rke. MONOSTROMA, Thur. Monostroma laceratum, Thur., "Note sur Syn. Ulv.," p. 32. Brackish pools, near Maldon ; E. A. B. ENTEROMORPHA, Link. Enteromorpha ramulosa, Hook, "Brit. Flor.," ii., p. 315.