8 THE MARINE ALGAE OF ESSEX. U. flacca, Holm. et Batt., "Ann. Botan.," v., p. 74 = Lyngbya flacca, Harv., "Phyc. Brit." On muddy cement stone rocks. Felix- stowe, May, 1884, G. P. Hope; Clacton, Jan., 1893, E. A. B.; Southend, July, 1890, Mrs. T. H. Buffham. The specimens gathered by Mrs. Buffham at Southend bore microzoospores, as also did those gathered by myself at Clacton. Cladophoracese. CHAETOMORPHA, Kutz. Chaetomorpha aerea, Kutz, "Spec. Alg.," p. 379. In shallow pools near high-water mark. Felixstowe, June, 1885, E. A. B. Rare. C. melagonium, Kutz, "Phyc. Germ.," p. 204. Felixstowe, G. P. Hope. C. linum, Southend, 1844, E. G. Varenne. C. litorea, Holm. et Batt., "Ann. Bot.," vol. v., p. 74. Walton, 1873, E. G. Varenne. C. tortuosa, Kutz, "Spec. Alg.," p. 373. Clacton, Jan., 1893, E. A. B. Rare. RH1ZOCLONIUM, Kutz. Rhizoclonium riparium, Harv., "Phyc. Brit.," pl. 238. Estuary of the Stour and Orwell, June, 1885, E. A. B. CLADOPHORA, Kutz. Cladophora rupestris, Kutz, "Phyc. Gener.," p. 270. Southend, 1844, Varenne; on cement stone rock, Felixstowe and Harwich, Hope ; between Dovercourt and Harwich, Holmes; Clacton, E. A.B. C. hutchinsiae, Kutz, "Phyc. Germ.," p. 210. Harwich and Felixstowe, Hope. C. utriculosa, Kutz, "Phyc. Gen.," p. 269, f. laetevirens, Hauck., "Meeres-alg.," p. 455. Walton, 1845, Varenne ; brackish water, Adderton Fleet, branch of the Horse-shoe creek, Felixstowe, Dovercourt, Hope ; estuary of the Blackwater, Holmes. C. glaucescens, Harv., "Phyc. Brit.," pl. 196. Harwich and Felixstowe, Hope. The specimens of this species in Mr. Hope's collection are not at all typical, the whole plant being larger and coarser than is usual in this species. The main stems are from 130-170 m. and the ultimate ramuli about 50m. in diameter; in other