THE MARINE ALGAE OF ESSEX. 9 respects the specimens agree fairly well with, typical CI. glaucescens. This variation from the ordinary form may be accounted for by the locality where Mr. Hope, gathered his specimens, for he notes that they were gathered in a "sluice at high-water covered with 8 feet of salt water, at low water covered with fresh water." C. fracta, Kutz, "Phyc. Genei.," p. 263. In ditches of brackish water between Felixstowe Railway-station and the 'River. Not uncommon; in many places plentiful. June, 1885, E. A. B. C. albida, Kutz, "Phyc. Germ.," p. 240, f. refracta, Thur., in Le Jol., "Liste. Alg. Mar. Cherb.," p. 60. Felixstowe, Hope; between Harwich and Dovercourt, E. M. Holmes. C. uncialis, Harv., "Phyc. Brit.," pl. 207. Felixstowe and Harwich, G. Hope. Bryopsidaceae, Thur. BRYOPSIS, Lam. Bryopsis plumosa, Ag., "Spec. Alg.," i., p. 448. "In a rock pool near the end of Southend Pier," W. H. Grattann, "British Marine Algae," p. 21 ; Harwich, Felixstowe, "in pools formed in cement stone with sandy bottom," G. P. H. Vaucheriaceae, Damort. VAUCHERIA, D. C. Vaucheria sphaerospora, Nordst., Algol. Smasaker, in "Bot. Not.," 1879, t. 2. Maldon, "one mile on both sides of the bridge," Prof. Otto Nordstedt. [See E. M. Holmes, Essex Naturalist, vol. i., p. 151.] FUCOIDEAE, J. Ag. Punctariaceae. PUNCTARIA, Grev. Punctaria plantaginea, Grev., "Alg. Brit.," p. 53, t. 9. Harwich, 1876, Varenne. Ectocarpaceae. . ECTOCARPUS, Lyngb. Ectocarpus erectus, Kutz, "Tab; Phyc.," vol. v. On wood- work, in company with species of Enteromorpha, Calothrix, and other small algae. Clacton, Jan., 1893, E. A. B. Rare.