THE MARINE ALGAE OF ESSEX. 11 Myrionemaceae, Thur. MYRIONEMA, Grev. Myrionema strangulatus, Grev., "Crypt. FL," No. 300. Epiphytic on Enteromorpha compressa. Clacton, Jan., 1893, E. A. B. ASCOCYCLUS, Mag. Ascocyclus reptans, Rke., "Algenfl. der Westl. Ostsee," p. 44. Epiphytic on Fucus serratus. Felixstowe, June, 1893, G. Massee. Ralfsiaceae, Farl. RALFSIA, Berk. Ralfsia verrucosa, Aresch., "Phyc. Scan.," p. 140. Felix- stowe, G. P. Hope ; Southend, July, 1890, Mrs. T. H. Buffham. R. clavata, Crouan, "Florule du Finist," p. 166. Estuary of the Orwell and Stour, E. M. Holmes. Scytosiphoneae, Thur. PHYLLITIS, Kutz. Phyllitis filiformis, Batt., "Journ Linn. Soc. Bot.," xviii., p. 456, p. 18. On woodwork near high-water mark. Clacton, Jan., 1893, E. A. B. This species is not uncommon at Clacton. It usually grows in company with Enteromorpha compressa, Calothrix scopulorum, and other small algae, forming a fleecy mass on posts, etc.. near high-water mark. The Essex plant is somewhat larger than the original specimens from Berwick, but it agrees well with them in all other respects. SCYTOSIPHON, Ag. Scytosiphon lomentarius, Endl., "Gen. Plant.," Suppl. iii., p. 25; sec. Bornet, "Alg. Schonsb.,'' p. 249. Breakwater, Harwich, G. P. Hope. Chordaceae, Rke. CHORDA, Stackhouse. Chorda filum, Stackh., "Ner. Brit.,'' Introd. p. xxiv. Harwich Harbour, G. P. Hope.