THE MARINE ALGAE OF ESSEX, 13 Fucaceae, J. Ag. FUCUS, L. Fucus ceranoides, L., "Spec. Plant.," p. 1,158. Blackwater Estuary, E. M. Holmes. F. vesiculosus, L., "Spec. Plant.," p. 1,158. Walton, 1867, E. G. Varenne; Harwich and Dovercourt, E. M. Holmes; Felix- stowe, G. Massee. There is a specimen of this species in Mr. Hope's collection, but without locality. F. vesiculosus, L., f. spiralis (L., "Spec. Plant," p. 1,159). Blackwater estuary and Orwell and Stour estuary, E. M. Holmes. The Rev. Adam Buddie, who died in 1715, gathered this plant near "Fambridge Ferry in Essex," as is proved by a specimen preserved in his Herbarium ("Herb. Sloane," vol. 114, in the British Museum). F. vesiculosus, L., f. battica, J. Ag., "Spec. Alg," i., p. 210 (=F. vesiculosus, var. subecostatus, Essex Naturalist, ii., p. 248). Blackwater Estuary, E. M. Holmes. F. platycarpus, Thur., in Ann., "Sc. Nat., 30 serie, 1851," vol. xvi., p. 9, pl. 2. Between Harwich and Dovercourt, E. M. H. There are specimens of this species, gathered some two hundred years ago by the Rev. Adam Buddie "near Fambridge Ferry in Essex," preserved in the Herbarium of the British Museum ("Herb. Sloane," vol. 114, p. 6). The absence of air-vessels in these speci- mens seems to have attracted the attention of Buddie, who referred them to "Fucus sive quercus marina latifolia humilis sine vesicalis" Doody, not to "Fucus sive alga marina latifolia vulgatissima," Ray = Fucus vesiculosus. There can be very little doubt that the species is still plentiful on the Essex coast as elsewhere in Britain, and has only escaped observation owing to the great resemblance it bears to some varieties of Fucus vesiculosus, for which it has, no doubt, often been mistaken, F. serratus, L. "Spec. Plant.," p. 1,158. Walton," 1867, Harwich, 1876, E. G. Varenne; Harwich, G. P. Hope ; Dover- court, E. M. Holmes; Clacton, E. A. B. ASCOPHYLLUM, Stackh. Ascophyllum nodosum, Le Jol., "Liste," p. 96. Harwich, G. P. Hope; Blackwater Estuary and Dovercourt, E. M. Holmes ; Clacton, E. A. B. A. nodosum, Le Jol., f. scorpioides, Hauck., "Meeres-alg," p. 289. Blackwater Estuary, E. M. Holmes.