16 THE MARINE ALGAE OF ESSEX. GYMNOGONGRS, Mart. Gymnogongrus griffithsiae, Mart., "Flor. Brasil.," p. 27. Felixstowe and Dovercourt, G. P. Hope. G. norvegicus, J. Ag., "Spec. Alg.," ii., p. 320.' Felixstowe, G P. Hope and E. A. B. AHNFELTIA, Fr. Ahnfeltia plicata, Fr., "Fl. Scand.," p. 310. The first record of this as an Essex plant is in Ray's "Synopsis," ed. ii., p. 4, where the following passage is to be found: "Alga exigua dichotoma arenacei coloris. Small sandy or amber-coloured wrack. In littore Essexiano non procul Harvico collegit D. Newton prope Walton vicum." Several specimens preserved in the Buddie and Petiver collections ("Herb. Sloane," vols. 114 and 150, Brit. Mus.) prove that Ahnfeltia plicata is the species referred to. The plant still grows in the same neighbourhood, for there is a specimen with the hote, "On round flints at Felixstowe," in the Hope collection. The plant is also to be met with at Southend and Clacton. (In a recent paper ("Flora oder Allg. Bot. Zeitung," 1893, heft 5, pp. 368-418) Prof. Schmitz asserts that what have been considered asexual reproductive organs (nemathecia) of Gymnogongrus griffithsiae, G. norvegicus, Phyllophora rubens and Ahnfeltia plicata are really parasitic Floridere. Of these parasites the following occur in Essex. ACTINOCOCCUS, Schmitz. Actinococcus aggregatus, Schmitz, l.c, p. 385. On G. griffithsiae, Felixstowe, G. P. Hope. Actinococcus peltaeformis, Schmitz, l.c, p. 387. On G. norvegicus. Felixstowe, E. A. B. COLACOLEPIS, Schmitz. Colacolepis incrustans, Schmitz, l.c, p. 417. On Phyllo- phora rubens. Clacton, E. A. B. STERROCOLAX, Schmitz. Sterrocolax decipiens, Schmitz, l.c. p. 397. On Ahnfeltia plicata. Felixstowe, G. P. Hope.)