THE MARINE ALGAE OF ESSEX. 17 Rhodophyllidaceae, Schmitz. CYSTOCLONIUM, Kutz. Cystoclonium purpurasceus, Kutz, "Phyc. Gen.," p. 404. Felixstowe, Feb., 1881, G. P. Hope; near Harwich, June, 1890 E. M. Holmes ; Clacton, Feb. 27th, 1893, E. A. B. CATENELLA, Grev. Catenella opuntia, Grev., "Alg. Brit," p. 166, tab. 17. "In the Blackwater at Maldon, Essex, Mr. E. Foster, junior," Greville, "Alg. Brit.," p. 167. Sphaerococcaceae, Schmitz GRACILARIA, Grev. Gracilaria confervoides, Grev., "Alg. Brit.," p. 123. This plant was collected by the Rev. Adam Buddie in Essex more than two hundred years ago, as is proved by specimens preserved in the British Museum ("Herb. Sloane," vol. 114, p. 16, Nos. 1 and 2), which have the following note attached to them: "Fucus purpur- ascens parvus caule et ramulis seu foliolis teretibus, Ray, 3, 50, 50. A me prope Harwich coll." It still grows there. Walton and Har- wich, E. G. Varenne; Estuary of the Orwell and Stour, E. M. Holmes ; Felixstowe, G. P. Hope ; Clacton, E. A. B. CALLIBLEPHARIS, Kutz. Calliblepharis ciliata, Kutz, "Phycol. Gen.," p. 404 = Rhodymenia ciliata, Grev. Walton, 1845, E. G. Varenne; on cement stone rock, Felixstowe and Harwich, G. P. Hope ; between Harwich and Dovercourt, E. M. Holmes ; Clacton, E. A. B. In the Buddie Herbarium ("Herb. Sloane," vol. 114, p. 26) there is a specimen of this species, with the following note : "Fucus humilis membranaceus acaulos elegantissimus ruber capillis longis fimbriatus. A me prope Harwich collect." This specimen must have been col- lected before 1715 (the date of Buddie's death). Rhodymeniaceae, Schmitz. RHODYMENIA, Grev. Rhodymenia palmata, Grev., "Alg. Brit," p. 88. Harwich, 1876, E. G. Varenne; Felixstowe, Fort Breakwater, G. P. Hope and G. Massee; Clacton, E. A. B. C