18 THE MARINE ALGAE OF ESSEX. PLOCAMIUM, Lyngb. Plocamium coccineum, Lyngb., "Hydroph. Dan.," p. 39. (Fucoides rubens varie dissectum, Ray, "Synopsis," ed. 3, p. 37, 1). "Observed by Mr. Dale7 in Maldon River over against Tolesbury, Essex," Ray. Walton, 1845, E. G. Varenne; Harwich and Felix- stowe, G. P. Hope and G. Massee ; Clacton, E. A. B. Both the broad and narrow varieties of this species are to be found on the coast of Essex. Delesseriacese, Schmitz. NITOPHYLLUM, Grev. Nitophyllum laceratum,8 Grev., "Alg. Brit," p. 83. Walton, 1867, E. G. Varenne; Felixstowe, G. P. Hope and G. Massee; Clacton, E. A. B. DELESSERIA, Lamour. Delesseria alata, Lamour, "Ess.," p. 36. There is a speci- men of this species in the Buddie Herbarium ("Herb. Sloane," vol. 114, p. 12, No. 3) with this inscription: "Fucus purpureus tenuiter divisus non geniculatus. This was found on the coast of Mersea Island in Essex." The other Essex localities are Harwich, G. P. Hope; Felixstowe, G. Massee ; Clacton, E. A. B. D. hypoglossum, Lamour, "Ess.," p. 36. Felixstowe and Harwich, G. P. Hope and G. Massee. D. sinuosa, Lamour, "Ess.," p. 124. Felixstowe, G, P. Hope. HYDROLAPATHUM, Stackh. Hydrolapathum sanguineum, Stackh., "Tentam.," p. 67. Harwich, G. P. Hope. Rhodomelaceae, Schmitz. BOSTRYCHIA, Montg. Bostrychia scopioides, Montg., "Cuba. Bot. Crypt," p. 39. "Shore of Blackwater at Maldon, Mr. E. Forster," Junior," 7 The Mr. Dale here spoken of is probably the Samuel Dale who died in 1739 (vide Britten and Boulger's "Biographical Index," p. 44). 8 This species was described by Gmelin ("Hist, Fuc," p. 179) in 1768, from a specimen gathered at Harwich (''Locus, Harvici supra lapides"). 9 Edward Forster's Herbarium was purchased by Robert Brown and presented to the British Museum. I have, therefore, been able to examine the original specimen mentioned by Greville. It bears the inscription "Blackwater, nearly opposite Maldon, 1793." There is also another Essex specimen of this species in the Herbarium of the British Museum ; it was gathered in the same locality by Mr. Bicheno, probably early in the present century.