THE MARINE ALGAE OF ESSEX. 19 Greville, "Alg. Brit.," p. 105. "On the lower part of stems of Spartina stricta, Wivenhoe, 1873," E. G. Varenne. Cast ashore at Felixstowe, G. P. Hope; Estuary of the Blackwater, 1888, E. M. Holmes. RHODOMELA. Rhodomela subfusca, Ag., "Spec. Alg.," i., p. 378. Dover- court, Harwich, and Felixstowe, G. P. Hope; Clacton, E. A. B. LAURENCIA, Lamour. Laurencia caespitosa, Lamour, "Ess.," p. 43=L. hybrida, Lenor. Felixstowe and Landguard Pier, Harwich, G. P. Hope : Blackwater Estuary, E. M. Holmes. CHONDRIA, Harv. Chondria dasyphylla, Ag., "Spec. Alg.," p. 350. Black- water Estuary, E. M. Holmes; Harwich, G. P. Hope ; Felixstowe, E. A. B. POLYSIPHONIA, Grev. Polysiphonia urceolata, Grev., "Fl. Edin.," p. 309. Harwich Pier, G. P. Hope ; Felixstowe, G. Massee. P. elongata, Harv., in Hook., "Brit. Fl.," ii., p. 333. Black- water Estuary, E. M. Holmes. P. atro-rubescens, Grev., "Fl. Edin.," p. 308. "Essex Coast," E. G. Varenne. P. nigrescens, Grev., Harv. in Hook., "Brit. FL," ii., p. 332. Felixstowe, Harwich, River Deben, Fort Breakwater, G. P. Hope. P. affinis, Moore, in "Ord. Surv., Londonderry," Appendix, p. 11., sec. Harvey. River Deben, G. P. Hope. BRONGNIARTELLA (Bory.), Schmitz. Brongniartella byssoides, Bory. = Polysiphonia byssoides, "Phyc. Brit.," pl. 284. Walton, 1845, E. G. Varenne; Felixstowe, G. P. Hope. DASYA, Ag. Dasya coccinea, Ag., "Spec. Algar.," ii., p. 119. Felixstowe and Harwich, G. P. Hope; Clacton, E. A. B.