THE MARINE ALGAE OF ESSEX. 21 C. corymbosum, Ag., "Spec. Alg.," ii., p. 165. "Floating over the Deben bar from sea, Sept., 1882," G. P. Hope. PLUMARIA, Schmitz. Plumaria elegans, Schmitz., in "Flora," 1889, heft. 5. On cement stone rock, Felixstowe and Harwich, G. P. Hope and G. Massee. ANTITHAMNION, Nag. Antithamnion plumula, Thur., ap. Le Jolis, "Liste des Alg. Mar. de Cherbourg," p. 112. Estuary of the Orwell and Stour, E. M. Holmes. CERAMIUM, Lyngb. Ceramium tenuissimum, J. Ag., "Spec. Alg.," ii., p. 120. Near Harwich, F. M. Holmes. C. deslongchampsii, Chauv., "Alg. Norm.," No. 83. "Below low-water mark Dovercourt stone pier," and Harwich, G. P. Hope ; Southend, July, 1890, Mrs. T. H. Buffham. C. diaphanum, Roth., "Catal.," iii., p. 154. Cement stone rock, Felixstowe and Harwich, G. P. Hope ; Dovercourt, E. A. B. C. rubrum, Ag., "Syn.," p. 60. Maldon, 1844, Walton, 1867, Harwich, 1888, E. G. Varenne ; Felixstowe, G. P. Hope and G. Massee; Clacton, E. A. B. C. flabelligerum, J. Ag., "Advers.," p. 27. Fort Breakwater, Harwich, G. P. Hope; Felixstowe, E. A. B. Not uncommon. Grateloupiaceae. GRATELOUPIA, Ag. Grateloupia filicina, Ag., "Spec. Algar,," i., p. 223. Cement rock at half tide, Felixstowe, G. P. Hope. Dumontiaceae, Schmitz. DUMONTIA, Lamour. Dumontia filiformis, Grev., "Alg. Brit.," p. 165, t. 17. Blackwater Estuary, E. M. Holmes. DILSEA, Stack. Dilsea edulis, Schmitz., in "Flora," 1889, p. 453. Harwich, G. P. Hope.