22 THE MARINE ALGAE OF ESSEX. Nemastomaceae. FASTIGIARIA, Stackh. Fastigiaria furcellata, Stackh., "Tentam.," p. 91=Furcei- laria fastigiata, Walton, 1845, E. G.Varenne; Felixstowe, G. P. Hope ; between Harwich and Dovercourt, E. M. Holmes ; Clacton, E. A. B. Rhizophyllidaceae, Schmitz. POLYIDES. Polyides rotundus, Grev., "Alg. Brit," p. 70. Walton, 1845, E. G. Varenne ; Harwich, G. P. Hope; Blackwater Estuary, E. M. Holmes ; Clacton, E. A. B. Squamariaceae, Schmitz. CRUORIELLA, Crn. Cruoriella dubyi, Schmitz, "Flora," 1889, p. 454=Peyssonellia dubyi, Crn. Blackwater Estuary, E. M. Holmes. HILDENBRANDTIA, Nardo. Hildenbrandtia prototypus, Nardo, in "Isis," 1834, p. 675. Var. rosea, Hauck., "Meeres-alg.," p. 39. Blackwater Estuary and Orwell and Stour Estuary, E. M. Holmes; Southend, Mrs. T. H. Buffham; Clacton and Felixstowe, E. A. B. Corallinaceae. MELOBESIA, Lamour. Melobesia membranacea, Lamour, "Polyp. Flex.," p. 315. On the leaves of Zostera, in the Blackwater Estuary, E. M. Holmes ; Clacton, E. A. B. M. corticiformis, Kutz, "Spec. Alg.," p. 696. Between Har- wich and Dovercourt, E. M. Holmes ; Clacton, E. A. B. On Fastigiaria. M. corallineae, Crouan, "Florule du Finist.," p. 150. On Corallines. Between Harwich and Dovercourt, E. M. Holmes Felixstowe, G. P. Hope. LITHOPHYLLUM, Philippi. Lithophyllum lenormandi, Rosan., "Rech.," p. 85. "On pebbles." Blackwater Estuary, E. M. Holmes. CORALLINA, Lamour. Corallina officinalis, L., "Fauna Suecica," No. 2,234. Wal- ton, 1867, E. G. Varenne ; Felixstowe and Dovercourt, G. P. Hope ; between Harwich and Dovercourt, E. M. Holmes; Felixstowe, G Massee ; Clacton, E. A. B.