THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 29 the state of the Library, as soon as possible after the books are arranged in the room at Chelmsford, which is now nearly ready for their reception. But the Council cannot allow Mr. Wire's connection with the Library to cease without thanking him for his labours as Librarian during his term of office. Few of the members know of the amount of persistent work required in such an office, and Mr. Wire deserves the cordial thanks of the Club for the active interest he has taken in the Library for many years past. Museum.—The agreement for immediate amalgamation of the old Chelmsford Museum with the Club having been confirmed at the last annual meeting, on April 15th, 1893, the Curator was enabled to take possession of the premises and its contents in August last, and Mr. Henry Mothersole was appointed by the Council to act as Assistant, at a salary of £26 per annum, giving his services for twenty hours in each week. The Curator found the Museum in such a state of chaos, and so much cleaning, repairs to cases, and fitting up of the room for the library, etc., required to be done, that this work has occupied the whole period, and real museum-work could not be commenced. A considerable number of cases, boxes, etc., have already been purchased, but the sums paid in to the Treasurer on behalf of the Museum Fund (about £160) will be quite insufficient, after deducting the amount spent in printing and advertising, to properly fit the Museum as an exhibition for the general public, and as a store-house of local specimens for the student. The Council makes a strong appeal for further funds. The Curator's estimate for fitting up the rooms at Chelmsford as a home for the Museum, pending the erection of proper premises, was £250, and certainly this sum, at least, will be required. The contributions hitherto received (31st March, 1894) of members and others for fitting up the rooms at Chelmsford, under the arrangements announced in the last Annual Report (E. N., vol. vii., pp. 70—71), are as follows :—