110 THE OAK TREE IN ESSEX. Bedfords Oak.—At "Bedfords," Havering-atte-Bower, the seat of the late Jas. Theobald, Esq., M.P., is an oak in vigorous growth, the stem of which measures twenty-seven feet in its narrowest circum- ference. This tree was unfortunately rent in two from top to bottom on the night of February 17th, 1894. The fallen part was replaced in its original position by the late Mr. Theobald's desire. An account of this accident will be found in this number of The Essex Naturalist, page 153. Maldon Hall Oak.—At Maldon Hall, close to Maldon West Fig. 24.—Oak at Maldon Hall. station, there is an oak tree, the boughs of which stretch 107 feet. Its trunk measures 16 feet in girth at five feet from the ground. Fig. 25.— Oak at Mundon Hall, near Maldon.