THE OAK TREE IN ESSEX. 113 Fig 20.—Oak at Lawford Hall. paddock near the "Rookery," at Dedham, is a fine oak tree with trunk 16 feet in circumference. There are two oak trees of similar size at Dedham Lodge. At Lawford Hall, there is a vigorous tree with a trunk 19 feet 3 inches in circumference, and having a stretch of Fig. 30.—Oak at Chignal St. James. bough of 74 feet. At Chignal St. James there is also a fine tree, an illustration of which is given ; but I fear that our journal could scarcely afford space to mention the many luxuriant specimens of our national tree which exist in most districts of the county, and which promise in their day, centuries hence, to become objects of admiration for future generations. Weald Side Oak, Brentwood.—Mr. Henry Sperling, of Weald- side House, Brentwood, writes that this tree has a bole of 27 feet in circumference. A tree of this magnitude certainly ranks amongst our giant oaks. I regret that I am not able to include full informa-