160 MUSEUM NOTES. I.—PLEISTOCENE NON-MARINE MOLLUSCA FROM WALTON-ON-THE-NAZE. [The small collection of Mollusca described in the following notes has been kindly arranged and collated by Mr. Webb, and was exhibited at the meeting of the Club at Birch Hall, near Colchester, on June 23rd, 1894. It is intended from time to time to print "Notes" of this nature, descriptive of various specimens or collec- tions in or added to the museum, as they may be determined or arranged. Such details will be interesting as records of our collections, and will afford valuable data for the future compilation of a catalogue of the museum.—Ed.] THE shells now catalogued were collected by the late John Brown, F.G.S., of Stanway, and were presented by him many years ago to the "Essex and Chelmsford Museum." On the handing over of the museum to the Essex Field Club, the specimens were taken from the midst of a collection in which they had been inserted with other pleistocene shells from Copford, and where they were at the tender mercies of two large Echini from the chalk which rolled over them on the slightest provocation. The series under consideration was easily distinguished from the Copford specimens owing to its having been mounted on cards in trays, whereby also it had escaped somewhat from the roving Echini, while the others, merely glued on to wooden tablets, were in most cases completely pulverised. Many- Walton shells were found intact in the trays under their respective cards, and help was obtained from a printed slip (though where it was published, if at all, has not yet been ascertained), giving a list of the species, and stating that they were found "with the fossil horns above at a part of the Essex coast five miles southward of Walton Naze." The writer has carefully worked through the specimens, and has had the benefit of the opinion of his friend Mr. B. B. Woodward, F.G.S., who has specially given his attention to Pleistocene Mollusca. The list will now stand as follows :— GASTROPODA. PULMONATA. Stylomatophora. Helix pulchella, Mull. H. nemoralis, Linn.