MUSEUM NOTES. 161 H. hortensis, Mull., one specimen included with the last species. H. caperata, Mont. Given as H. concinna Jeff. Pupa muscorum, Linn. (=marginata Drap.) Vertigo moulinsiana, Dup. Given as Vertigo pygmaea, Drap. Basomatophora. Carychium minimum, Mull. [Ancylus fluviatilis, Mull. Given in the list, but no speci- mens were forthcoming.] Lymnaea auricularia, Linn. L. pereger, Mull. (Not peregra as usually spelled). Planorbis albus, Mull. PROSOBRANCHIATA. Paludestrina ventrosa, Mont. (=Hydrobia ventrosa.) Given as Paludina stagnorum, Turt. P. marginata, Mich.; given as P. minuta (marginata of French authors). Extinct in Britain. Bythinia tentaculata, Linn. Valvata piscinalis, Mull. The specimens labelled Valvata cristata, Mull, were in reality young examples of this species. PELECYPODA. EULAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Submytilacea. Unio littoralis, Lam. Extinct in Britain. Veneracea. [Sphaerium corneum, Linn. Given in the list, but no speci- mens were forthcoming.] Pisidium amnicum, Mull, P. astartoides, Sandb. Mounted with the last species. Extinct in Britain. Other remains found in the deposit were :— LAND AND FRESHWATER. [Cypris. Two species, specimens destroyed.] Chara hispida, Oospores. Corylus avellana. Nuts gnawn by rodents. MARINE. Scrobicula piperata, Gmel. Given as Lutraria.