208 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. for the purpose of eating famous mutton pies, made by one Christopher Cat, familiarly known as 'Kit' Cat, hence its title. Sir Godfrey Knoller painted the more distinguished of the members on one sized canvas, known ever since by artists as the 'Kit Cat' size. " We have passed the intake from the Lea of the New River Company. Here 22,500,000 gallons are daily drawn. " On yon hill, to the light of the barge, is the place where Oliver Cromwell hanged a mutineer, and so stamped out a mutiny ere it could assume definite proportions. Prompt action is occasionally of considerable value. Nearly opposite to us and under the eastern slope of the hill is the rise of the New River—Chadwell Spring. I must explain that in the first of the excellent sketches which Mr. H. A. Cole has done for our programme, we must substitute 'St. Margaret's Well,' for the title he has given in error. Rye Common Pumping Station, New River Company, St. Margaret's, Herts., seen from the Lea. " Chadwell Spring produces a flow which ranges from a minimum of 500,000 gallons per day to a maximum of 4,000,000. " We are now about to order full steam ahead and proceed on our voyage ; we have a long journey before us, and I am sure that I shall contribute more to the enjoyment of the day if I cease to talk. If you will en route occasionally refer to 'The River Lea up to Date,' and if in doubt on any subject ask me for such in- formation as you may require, which I shall give with the greatest pleasure, we shall all get on nicely. " Ware is the next place we shall reach, and the next lock is Ware Lock. This belongs to the New River Company, and is kept up by them under agreement. " Before we start I shall refer to the fact, so frequently given in my evidence elsewhere, that there is practically no pollution above the New River intake. " I will not say that there are no pollutions elsewhere, but I will say, as I did