210 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. The rainfall for May and June, for this and last year, is recorded thus : The volume of water passing this year was in May 39,753,000 gallons for twenty-four hours, and in June 29,520,000 gallons in the same time. The watershed area above Fieldes Weir is 460 square miles, and the average daily flow for three consecutive dry years was 81,000,000 gallons. The Royal Commissioners take the daily total available quantity for this area at 851/2 million gallons. The whole watershed of the Lea is 600 square miles. Bridge over the Lea near Rye House. Leaving Fieldes Weir we [passed along a charming reach of the river, the dome of Haileybury College being a prominent object on the horizon to the right, and soon came to "The Crown," at Broxbourne Bridge, where we went ashore, quite ready for a capital cold luncheon provided by the hostess, Mrs. Beningfield, to which the Club did ample justice, and then went to the pretty gardens attached to this famous hostelry, where the Ordinary Meeting (the 149th) was held, Mr. Chancellor, President, in the chair. The following were elected members of the Club : Mr. Claude E. Egerton- Green, Mr. Frank Hughes, F.C.S., and Miss Florence Stephenson. Mr. J. E. Harting read a paper on Izaak Walton's connection with the River Lea, illustrating his remarks with proof pictures from his fine Tercentenary Edition of "The Complete Angler." This paper is printed in present number. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Harting for his very interesting paper, and, on the proposal of the President, Major Flower was cordially thanked for his