238 NAVESTOCK IN OLDEN DAYS ; Mabille, the sister of Hugh. He was probably the Firmarius referred to as John Primus. John de Barnes succeeded, and was in office in 1222, being referred to in the Inquisition of that date as John Secundus. William de Chadelshunt (who was certainly a Canon) became Firmarius in 1315, and was succeeded by Master Adam Mury- mouth, also a Canon, and to whom the Dean and Chapter in 1335 granted the residence of the Manor of Navestock with its tithes and all its appurtenances, to hold so long as he shall be a Canon and shall serve them well, and shall not be elected and confirmed a Bishop, rendering yearly three firmae to the bakehouse, the brew- house, and the almonry of S. Paul's, and with each firma 40s., and for the tithes and revenue of the church of Navestock 20 marks a year to the Chamberlain.20 From the Firmarii we may turn to the free tenants of the day. These, in S. Paul's Domesday of 1222, are described as holding about 800 acres between them, viz. : 1. William De Breante, I hide for l6s. 2. Stephen, son of Robert, son of Richard, 1 hide for l6s., and for certain services, such as ploughing, mowing, etc., at certain stated seasons on the demesne lands of the Firmarius. This Stephen also held a mill, of which more hereafter, and which mill he held for 8s. and certain services. 3. Walter, son of Peter, 80 acres for 5s. 4d. and certain services. 4. Thomas, son of Adam, 40 acres for 4s. 4d. „ ,, 5. Richard, son of Adam, 50 acres for 5s. 4d. ,, „ 6. Walter, son of Theodoric, 70 acres for 5s. „ ,, 7. Walter de Coderee and Willm le Bel, 40 acres for 4s. and certain services. 8. Nichol de Ho (heir of Gunnore Vidue), 40 acres for 20s. ,, 9. Richard, son of Edwin, and Ralph, son of Ailward and Ascelina Vidua, 40 acres for certain services. 10. Henry Hareng, 40 acres for 7s. and certain services. 11. Walter, son of Henry, with daughter and heir of Adam, son of Hugo, 25 acres for 7s. and certain services. 12. Richard, son of Sabernus, 10 acres for 3s. and certain services. 13. William, son of Dolfmus, 5 acres for 18s. ,, ,, 14. John, son of Wiger, (1 acres for 3s., 2 acres for 6d., 40 acres for 12d., and certain services. These holdings, with that of the Firmarius, represented the 15 Cassata, or mansiones, already spoken of. William de Breante's holding possesses peculiar interest as representing that of the De Marci's, of whom I have already had occasion to speak. His wife, Joan, is described in 1222 as the daughter and heir of Ralph de 20 Hist. MSS. 9th Report.