iv INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. of Bees, 87 ; Exhibits examples of Dimorphism and Seasonal-dimor- phism in Insects, 49 ; on the Management of Epping Forest, 69, 70 ; Remarks on the Official Report of the Experts on Epping Forest, 120 ; Exhibits Jaw of Mammoth from Chelmsford, 219 ; Exhibits Me- loe proscarabaeus from East Mersea, 52 ; on Epping Forest Museum, 45 ; on Local Museums, 124; Naphthaline Cones for Preservation of Insects, etc., 49 ; Exhibits examples of Pleis- tocene Mollusca, collected by the late J. Brown, 205 ; on the Proposed Partition of the County of Essex, 211, 216 ; Observations on a Quorn Stone from Chingford, 49 ; Spring Foliage on Oaks at Midsummer, 154. Colne Fishery, The, 156 Cooke, Dr. M. C, Conducts at the Annual Cryptogamic Meeting, 218 ; Additions to the list of Epping Forest Fungi, 244 ; Presents a set of local Floras to the Library, 220. Copford Plains, Visit to, 204. Council, Annual Report of, for 1893, 26 ; Members of, for 1894, 51. Crepidula fornicata, Occurrence of, off the Coast of Essex, 36. Crouch, Walter, Exhibits old Sheet Almanack, 39 ; Exhibits specimens of "daub" from Gravel Pits at Barking Side, 219 ; John Brown, of Stanway, 155 ; Note on the occurrence of Crepidula fornicata, L., off the Coast of Essex, 36 ; Exhibits a Divining Rod, 50 ; on the Management of Epping Forest, 68 ; Exhibits a new Murex from Mauritius, 39 ; Exhibits Romano-British Pottery, etc., from Barking Side, 49. Cryptogamic Meeting, 218. "Culch," "Cultch," or "Cutch," 156. Curtis's "Flora Londinensis," Notes from, 247. Curtis Mill Green, Visit to, 217. Dalton, W. H., on Site for Experi- mental Coal-boring in Essex, 150. Day, George, Notes on Essex Dialect and Folk-lore, 71. Daub ("Wattle and Daub"), from Gravel-pit at Barking Side, 219. "Defence of Navestock" (Prehistoric Camp), Visit to, 217. Dialect, Essex, Notes on, 71. Divining Rod Exhibited, 50. Donations to Fund of Central Museum, 29 ; of Specimens to same, 30. Dymond, T. S., A Lunar Rainbow, 87 ; a Remarkable Meteor, 158. Dyne, Rev. W. T., on the Epping Forest Museum, 46. Earth Tremors, B. A. Committee on, 126. Eastern Boundary Stones of Waltham Forest, Visit to, 217. Ec/tini in Celtic Interment, 39. Elephas primigenius, Jaw of, from Chelmsford, Exhibited, 219 ; Tusk of, from Chelmsford, 155. Epping, Prehistoric Weapons, recently found near, 163 ; Epping Forest, Fairmead Lodge in, 158 ; Fungi, Additions to the List of, 244 ; Hornbeams in, 246 ; Memo- randum as to the Right of the Citizens to Hunt in, 31 ; Discussion on the Management of, 52, 57 ; Report of the Experts on the Management of, 117 ; "Sandpit Plain" in, 56, 157 ; Vanessa antiopa in, 88. Epping Forest Branch Museum, 30 ; Meeting in furtherance of, 44 ; Granting application of the Club for Establishment of, 215, 218. Epping Hunt, The, 31. Essex, A Sketch of the Development of Architecture in, 165 ; Badgers in, 85 ; Cheesemaking in, 159 ; the Question of Workable Coal-Measures beneath, 130; Notes on Essex Dia- lect and Folk-lore, 71 ; Marine Algae, a Provisional List of, 1 ; The Oak Tree in, 89 ; Otters in, 86 ; Rough-legged Buzzard in, 86. Essex Coast, Occurrence of Crepidula fit fucata, L., off, 36.