INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. v Essex Field Club, 14th Annual Meet- ing) 50 ; Meeting at Colchester, Copford and Birch, 202 ; Crypto- gamic Meeting, 218 ; Meeting to consider Management of Epping Forest, 52 ; Meeting in Furtherance of the Epping Forest Local Museum, 44 ; Visit to the Navestock District, 213; Ordinary Meetings, 39,48, 50, 57, 204, 210, 215,218, 215; Meeting on the River Lea, from Hertford to Tottenham, 205. Essex, Proposed Partition of the County, 211, 216, 217. Euthimonia russula from Theydon Bois, 50. Fairmead Lodge, Epping Forest, Note on, 158. "Flora Londinensis," Curtis's, Notes from, 247. Flower, Major Lamorock, Notes on the River Lea, 206. Flower, Sir William, Letter on the Formation of the Epping Forest Museum, 45, 46. Folk-lore, Algae and, 154 ; Notes on Essex, 71. "Fortification Wood," Navestock, 222 ; Visit to, 217. Fox, Remarkable Tale of a, 151. Fungi, Additions to the List of Epping Forest, 224. Galeus vulgaris (the "Toper") off Clacton Coast, 152. Geology of the Lea Valley, 198. Geology, Value of Photography in, 42. Geological Photographs, B. A. Com- mittee on, 128. Gibson, Bernard, on the Manage- ment of Epping Forest, 68. Gold-fish, Tenacity of Life in, 87. Gould, F. Carruthers, on the Management of Epping Forest, 66. Gould, I. Chalkley, on the threatened Partition of the County of Essex, 216 ; the Cry of the Wood- pigeon, 151. Harting, J. E., Izaak Walton's Association with the River Lea, 186 ; on Epping Forest Local Museum, 46 ; on the former existence of Salmon in the River Lea, 197. Havering-atte-Bower, Bedford's Oak at, 153. Holmes, T. V., Notes on the Con- ference of Delegates of Local Societies at B. A. Meeting at Oxford (1894), 121 ; Geology of the Lea Valley, 198 ; on the Manage- ment of Epping Forest, 70; on the value of Photography as an aid in Geology, 42 ; Observations on a sup- posed Stone Quorn found at Ching- ford, 49; on sections on the new line from Romford to Upminster and on the Relation of the Thames Valley Beds to the Boulder Clay, 155. Holmes, T. V. and W. Whitaker, Reports on possibility of finding Coal under South-Eastern England, 142. Hope Collection of Essex Algae, Classi- fied List of, I. Hore, Rev. S. Coode, Conducts at Meeting in Navestock District, 213 ; on the Earthwork in "Fortification Wood," 222 ; Navestock in Olden Days : Stray Notes, Prehistoric, Saxon and Norman, 220. Hornbeams in Epping Forest, 246. Howell, Rev. W. C, reads paper en- titled "Short Notes on the Foxglove, chiefly Etymological and Local," 220. Hunt, The Epping, 31. Irving, Rev. Dr. A., on the question of Workable Coal Measures beneath Essex, 130. Izaak Walton's Association with the River Lea, 186. Laver, Henry, on Birch Castle, 204 ; Cheesemaking in Essex, 159 ; Galeus vulgaris (the "Toper") off Clacton, 152 ; reads paper on "Potash Making in Essex," 220; Spring Foliage on Oaks at Midsummer, 154.