vi INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. Leaden Pipe Eaten by Rats, 219. Lea River, Izaac Walton's Association with, 186 ; Journey along from Hert- ford to Tottenham, 205 ; Former existence of Salmon in, 197. Lea Valley, Geology of, 198. Lindley, Percy, on the Management of Epping Forest, 62. London, Citizens of, Right to Hunt in Epping Forest, 31. Lunar Rainbow, 87. Mammoth, Tusk found at Chelmsford, 155 ; Lower Jaw of, at Chelmsford, 219. Management of Epping Forest, 52, 57, 117. Meggy, F., Exhibits Lower Jaw of Rhi- noceros antiquitatis ( = tichorhinus) from Chelmsford, 219. Meldola, Prof. R., on the "Alate Temple of the Druids" on Navestock Common, 80, 213 ; on the Manage- ment of Epping Forest, 57 ; on the Epping Forest Museum, 47 ; Con- ductsatthe Navestock Meeting, 213 ; on the Pre-historic Camp near Navestock, 217, 222 ; Photography as an aid in Physical and Natural Science, 39. Meloe proscarabaeus from East Mersea, 52. Meteor, a Remarkable, 158. Mollusca, Pleistocene Non-Marine, from Walton-Naze, 160. Murex, New Species from Mauritius Exhibited, 39. Museum, The E.F.C. Central, Prelimi- nary Report on, 29 ; Donations to, 29, 30 ; Visited by the Club, 220. Museum, The Epping Forest, 30 ; Meeting in Furtherance of, 44 ; Granting Application of the Club for the Establishment of, 215, 218 ; Letter from Sir W. Flower with regard to, 45,46. Museum Notes. Pleistocene Non- Marine Mollusca from Walton, 160. Museums, Conference on, at Oxford, 122. Navestock in Olden Days—Stray Notes, Prehistoric, Saxon, Norman, 220 ; Visit to 213 ; Navestock Park, Visit to, 215. Oak, Bedford's, at Havering-atte- Bower, 153. Oak-Tree in Essex, The, 89. Oaks, Spring Foliage on, at Midsum- mer, 154. Oldham, Charles, Exhibits Forest Lepidoptera, 50 ; Spring Lepidoptera, 52. Otter Notes, 86. "Palaeolithic Floor" in Clay-pit near Caddington Hill, Dunstable, 39. Parliament Hill, "Queen Boadicea's Tomb," at, 248. Partition of the County of Essex, Pro- posed, 211 ; Discussion on, 216; Petition against, 217 ; Abandonment of the Project, 217. Pentamerous Symmetry in Aurelia, observed in Essex waters, 152. Periodicity (?), 157. Pettitt, John, Albino Weasel near Colchester, 245. Photography as an Aid in Physical and Natural Science, 39 ; Discussion on same, 42, 43. Pleistocene Mollusca collected by the late John Brown at Stanway, Exhi- bited, 205 ; ditto at Walton, 160. Pollution of Air in Towns, 127. "Potash Making in Essex," Discus- sion on Dr. Laver's paper on, 220. Pounder or Quorn for preparing Grain from Chingford, Exhibited, 48. Prehistoric Camp on Navestock Com- mon ("The Alate Temple"), 213; Camp in Fortification Wood, Nave- stock, 217, 222. Prehistoric Weapons recently found near Epping, 163. Presidential Address, 1894, "A Sketch of the Development of Architecture in Essex," 165. Puffin at Billericay, 245.