viii INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. Wilson, T. Kay, Exhibits Quorn or Crushing Stone from Chingford, 48 ; Rooks, 245. Winstone, B., Prehistoric Weapons recently found near Epping, 163. Wood-pigeon, The Cry of the, 151. Wood Tissue, Curious Re-growth of, inside a Branch, 219. Wright, Charles A., Exhibits speci- mens of rare Plants, 211. Yew-poisoning, Death of a Horse from, 86. Young, Sir F., on the Management of Epping Forest, 67. ILLUSTRATIONS. Natural Repair of Injuries in a Gold- fish, 87. Inscribed Letters in an Elm-tree, 88. The Great Oak at Hemstead, Essex, 93. Remains of the Oak at Hempstead, 94. View of Fairlop Oak on Epping Forest, 95. Cuckoo, or Bedford Oak, Epping Forest, 97. The "Pulpit Oak" and "Poachers' Pocket," Epping Forest, 98. Oak at Theydon Garnon, 99. Oak at Danbury, 100. Oak at Danbury Palace, 100. Oak at Thorington Hall, 101. Oak at Thorington Hall, 102. Original Hatfield Broad Oak, 102. Oak at Barrington Hall, 103. Oak at Barrington Hall, 104. Oak at Great Yeldham, 105. Twinsted Oak, 105. Oak at Screens, 106. Oak at Writtle, 106. Oak at Writtle Park, 107. Oak at Warren Farm, Writtle, 107. Oak at Rivenhall Park, 108. King Stephen's Oak, Rivenhall, 108. Woodham Mortimer Oak, 109. Oak at "Bedford's," Havering, 109. Oak at Maldon Hall, 110. Oak at Mundon Hall, near Maldon, no. Oak at Quendon Hall, 110. Oak near Dairy Farm, Mistley Park, 112. Oak at Fingringhoe, 112. Oak at Lawford Hall, 113. Oak at Chignall St. James, 113. Geological Section between Ware and Harwich, 145. Sections of Mouldings of the Different Periods of Gothic Architecture, 173. Fishing House on the River Lea, 187. Tottenham High Cross, 1805, 191. The Thatched House, 194. Birch Church and Village, 202. Rye Common Pumping Station, St. Margaret's, Herts, 20S. Bridge over the Lea near Rye House, 210. Junction Lock, near Fieldes Weir, 211. Kidd's Weir, 212. The "Alate Temple of the Druids" on Navestock Common, 214.