OF THE FOREST OF WALTHAM, 7 found the other stones with the full inscription "Sept. 8th, 1642'' 2 we knew that this was in fact the Havering Stone, and the "Beames Land Lane" of the text figures under the more gruesome name of Cut- throat Lane in the modern six-inch Ordnance Map. No trace of this lane now exists, but it is probable that its junction with the Whale- bone Lane was at the point where the Forest Bounds Stone, opposite Fig. 5.—Forest Boundary Stone in Whalebone Lane. Paulatim Lodge, now stands (Fig. 5). It was with the greatest regret that on April 12th of the present year I found that the ditch in front of Whalebone House had been filled in to the level of the road, and the Havering Stone buried out of sight. Mr. H. A. Cole fortunately had secured a sketch of it last year. 2 It is to be noted that the stones are dated a year later than the Perambulation. It is possible hat the sites were fixed on September 8th, 1641. and the stones, which would naturally take one time to shape and inscribe, set up on the corresponding date of the following year.