32 THE PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. and the Club, therefore, through their hon. secretary, Mr. W. Cole, formulated a scheme, and applied for a grant. The scheme included— (1) The establishment of a central institution in Chelmsford, in con- nection with the Club's Museum, with large laboratories and class rooms, furnished with apparatus and preparations for practical teaching, and in which, as occasion might arise, examinations could be conducted ; the institution being also amply provided with lecturing and class-teaching appliances (lanterns, slides, diagrams, apparatus, models, materials, and specimens), so arranged in travelling cases that they could be easily sent to any part of the county for use at local lectures and classes. (2) The arrange- ment of peripatetic courses of classes and lectures, conducted by specially qualified teachers (either supplemental to local efforts, or at the sole instance and cost of the institution) for imparting instruction in science and technology in any parts of the county, particularly in rural and maritime districts. The teaching given to be either elementary or more advanced, but always as far as possible of a thoroughly practical character, and such as will give a knowledge of things rather than words, and develop the faculties of seeing and doing. A list of the most important of the sub- jects to be taught were grouped together under thirteen heads. It was pointed out that this scheme would permit of the best kind of instruction being given, not only in towns, but also in rural and maritime districts, and that at a minimum cost. It was also pointed out that the scheme would permit of any future develop- ment without any interference with the work thus being carried on. After indicating the advantages of this scheme, a financial state- ment was appended, by which it was shown that the cost of Site, Buildings, and Fittings would be £3,500, and the miscellaneous expense and annual maintenance £900. With our proverbial modesty we asked the County Council for the following sums : Con- tribution towards the building, £500 ; apparatus and materials, travelling expenses of teachers and apparatus, £1,000 ; mainten- ance of laboratory, etc. per annum £200 ; administration charges, ditto, £150 ; Teachers' fees, etc., ditto, £500 ; together, £1,500 as a capital sum and £850 per annum. Of course the invitation from the County Council produced many other applications, and it can readily be understood that the Council would have some diffi- culty in dealing with the numerous applications thus received in reply to their somewhat light-hearted invitation. The scheme of