THE PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 33 the Essex Field Club was urged upon the consideration of the County Council by a very influential deputation, consisting of Sir Henry Roscoe, Professors W. H. Flower, Meldola, and Boulger, Mr. F. W. Rudler, and our Hon. Sec., Mr. W. Cole, who met Mr. E. N. Buxton and other members of the Parliamentary Committee on Feb. 2nd, 1891. The outcome of the Club's application was that at a meeting of the County Council on July 7 th, 1891, the report of the Technical Instruction Committee was adopted, which included the following recommendations : (i.) A sum not exceeding £250 be granted to an organising Joint Committee, consisting of six members of the Committee and six members of the Essex Field Club for administra- tion purposes, and the constitution of a centre for the supply of Lectures and Teachers, whose services will be paid for by the Urban Authorities or Local Committees engaging them. (ii.) That a sum not exceeding £500 be granted to the same Joint Committee for purchase of apparatus and diagrams, and a sum of £100 for storage and carriage of same. (iii.) That a sum not exceeding £50 be granted to the same Joint Committee for lectures under the direction of the Essex Beekeepers' Association. (iv.) That Local Committees throughout the county, especially in rural districts, be recommended to make application to the said Joint Committee of the Essex Agricultural Society, for aid in lectures or teachers, obtaining apparatus and materials, the conducting of examinations, and seeking help and guidance generally. The following were the members elected to form the organising Joint Committee by the County Council: Messrs. E. N. Buxton, E. A. Fitch, T. H. Burrows, S. W. Squier, F. West, and W. B. Whittingham. By the Club, Professors Boulger and Meldola, Sir Henry Roscoe, Messrs. F. Chancellor, F. Rudler, and J. C. Shenstone, and at the first meeting on July 20th, 1891, Mr. W. Cole was appointed Secretary. But the Council, at their meeting on July 7th, 1891, also adopted the other recommendation of the Technical Instruction Committee, that the larger portion of the funds at their disposal should be divided among local authorities on the basis of 1d. in the £ of the assess- ment to the county rate of the district concerned. This in some respect was an unfortunate decision, because in many cases the sums were too small to do any real good, and consequently the money was frittered away in feeble efforts to do something. The Organising Joint Committee very soon set to work, and C