48 THE PROTECTION OF WILD BIRDS IN ESSEX. for the following birds to be added to the Schedule to the Wild Birds Protection Act 1880, within the Metropolitan Police District, viz. : Shrike Bearded Tit Kestrel Merlin Wryneck Hobby Swallow Buzzard Martin, House Honey Buzzard Martin, Sand Osprey Swift Magpie The Committee were not in favour of a general nesting area within the above-named district being asked for, but they recom- mended that application should be made for an Order protecting the Eggs of the following birds (for a period of five years at first) within the Metropolitan Police District and outside the County of London, viz.: I. Birds in the Schedule to the Act 1880. Nightingale Woodpecker Goldfinch Kingfisher Lark Cuckoo Nightjar The Owls. II. Birds proposed to be added to the Schedule to the Act of 1880. (See list above on p. ) III. Birds not in the Schedule to the Act of 1880, nor pro- posed to be added to the Schedule, but the Eggs of which the Committee are of opinion should be protected: Wheatear Nuthatch Stonechat Wren Winchat Golden Crested Wren Red Start White Wagtail Pied Flycatcher Pied Wagtail Spotted Flycatcher Grey Wagtail Sedge Warbler Yellow Wagtail Reed Warbler Hawfinch Blackcap Linnet Garden Warbler Corn Bunting Wood Warbler Cirl Bunting Willow Warbler Reed Bunting Chiffchaff Starling Whitethroat Landrail or Corncrake Lesser Whitethroat Coot. Long-tailed Tit The above recommendations were adopted by the County