60 GEOLOGICAL NOTES ON A SUPPOSED EARTHWORK of six coffins during some excavations which had recently been made near Harlow by the railway company. But these coffins, with their contents, though apparently of ancient date, were found (judging from the account given) in the cutting east of the Railway Fig. i.—Portion of Six-inch Ordnance Map (41 Essex) of the Harlow District (with additions), showing Position of the Supposed Mound. The Alluvial Flat is indicated by the grey shading ; M is the Mound, and P indicates the Position of the Pond. Station, near Harlowbury, while the earthwork I am now considering is on the west. The accounts given in the "Gentleman's Magazine" for 1821, and in "Archaeologia" for the same year, are of about equal length, and the lists of Roman or Romano-British antiquities found are nearly identical, and evidently refer to the same collection.