98 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. to Lord Beaconsfield was when he introduced himself to him in the lobby of the House as representing the division in which Highams was situated. Lord Beaconsfield was very much interested, remembered all about the place, and talked with him about it for a long time. Some particulars were given of the ill-favoured Sewage Works at Tottenham, "the birth-place as well as the grave of many sewage processes," now practically disused, for the whole of the Tottenham and Wood Green sewage is received into the main outfall sewer of the London County Council. Passing onward, on the eastern bank was noted the site of the enlargement ot the East London Water Company's Subsiding Reservoirs, the works being in course of construction. On the western side of the river was pointed out the affluent called the intercepting drain of the East London Company, which receives the effluents from Cheshunt Sewage Farm, and also The Old "Ferry Boat," Tottenham. (Drawn June 12th, 1895.) those of Enfield and Edmonton. This was constructed to intercept all foul water west of the East London intake. "River Lee, etc.," pp. 33-34. At Tottenham Lock, which was the last point reached by the "Salisbury" at the trip last year (E.N., viii., p. 212), the company landed, and walked up to the "Ferry Boat" Inn, just within the County of Essex, where an excellent luncheon was provided. Aboard again, the barge was moored on the Essex shore, and an Ordinary Meeting (the 158th) was held, Mr. D. Howard, President, in the Chair. The minutes of the meeting on June 15th were read and confirmed. The Secretary said there were a few candidates for election, proposed within the last few days, since the publication of the programme of the meeting. As another meeting would probably not be held for some time, he proposed that Rule IX. should be suspended, and that the candidates should be put up for